Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post)

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty The Black King OC

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:15 pm

I'll join, if you don't mind.

Name: Kait Yusirie (you-Sor-e)
Age: 19
Weapon (only one): Scythe
Power (only one): Dragon Lord
Kait never had a 'normal' life. She was out on the streets for as long as she can remember. She doesn't remember her parents and what ha.p.p.en.ed to them though she knows she has to rely on herself to survive. She is nimble, agile, and sneaky as this was the only way she could find to make a living and survive to the next day. She is one that if things get messy she doesn't mind being a killer though she saves it for when its needed. In fights she usually be the one that will scan over her opponent and find there weak points and strike. She'll use stealth and her speed to her advantage which earned her her 'Black Knight' status in the underground. Being a Dragon Lord she can use dragonic powers and form at will which can be an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is plain to see though the disadvantage is that there are people that want you dead, like the king and queen. She never trusted the king and queen as everything she knew told her that they couldn't be trusted, her trust is hard to gain and very easy to break if one is not careful with it.
Pic of Normal:
Pic of Power:
(Sorry pics will come, as mobiles can't do uploads... *sighs*)
(I might make another one if that isn't a problem.)


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty Supernaturals OCs

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:28 pm

Name (Full Name Please): Oh, Baka, must I? As its dreadfully distasteful if you ask me. Fine, I am Kazimi Crystaliana Alamoria Yusirie. Yes, I have two middle names, don't blame me. Blame my parents for giving me it.
Nickname: Kazimi, the only part I like out of the thing. Though I do accept Kaz from select people.
Age: I may look fifteen, though if you really and I mean really know me, that is quite false. Though I'm actually over nine thousand years old, but with age come a price. What I mean is that I've been seal in a scroll for those nine thousand years and finally that seal decided to break.
What supernatural species is she?: Oh, my dear, I'm a Kitsune. Now the explaining part, a Kitsune in a sense is a fox but its a spiritual fox. We gain one tail every thousand years we live. Most Kitsunes end up with either three, five, or seven tails. While some rarely making to nine. I have, though I can say it is not any 'cake walk' to get here.
Birthplace: I was born in a small town in China all those years ago. I haven't see my home since then, after I was imprisioned in that scroll. I this scroll had passed through so many different hands over the years, most of it was English men. That's how I mainly learned English, along with other bits of information which made me eager to break the seal. That for me was impossible at the time with only six tails, with nine and the seal majorly weaken I managed to leave the scroll. Only to find a world I hardly know.
Personality: My, my, must I? I find myself calm, intelligent on certain things, a quick learner, creative, though cold, mysterious, and I find trusting others hard as because of someone I ended up in this scroll, that someone was my best friend.
I was born in China, of course you already knew that. I grew up learning the ways of the Kitsunes, and learning to control my powers. I managed to keep it hidden from the other towns folk and managed to life a happy start. Soon after that the calm before the storm came as I befriended Sarna Tasumi. She was a very kind girl, sweet too sometimes too sweet for her own good. We meet around the village sometimes, and my parents told me not to go near them because Sarna's father, Makio Tasumi, was said to be able to seal any magic creature inside of something for years. I tried to avoid her, but she just managed to be everywhere I went, after that we started talking, quickly following we became friends. We were alone in the woods at sunset the day she learned my secret. We got dreadfully lost, and I had to use my powers, well more like my fox form, to get us back to the village. I made her swear not to tell her father about my secret, though some good that did for me. Makio Tasumi grabbed me and took me into the woods a few weeks later, as he dragged me through the wood he listed all the things that were wrong about my kin. Once he believe he brought me deep enough into the woods, did he start the sealing. It felt like I was being ripped apart, though seconds before I ended up in the scroll did I see her, Sarna, standing behind her father with a evil smirk on her face. She enjoyed it, me getting sealed into that scroll. Then everything went black after that.
I couldn't really do much inside that dumb scroll, so all I could do was practice with my powers, paint the white in there
Family: I don't know if their still out there
Likes and Dislikes:
Face Claim:


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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty TMYDWTH OC

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:30 pm

Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Image17
[size=85]❈Name: "If you insist, I'm Kathleen Crystalian Yusirie Azarath. Kathleen as Kaitlyn and any other way to spell it was way to common. Crystalian, uhh, your going to have to ask my parents on that one as I don't know. Yusirie, yeah, same thing here. Azarath, just my last name nothing really special."
❈Nickname: "Kait, Kat,Kai, just anything but Kathleen. It's a horrid long name. If you call me it I just might have to hurt you."
❈Age/birthday: "Born April 18th of 1996. Meaning I'm am a full out Aries of the Zodiac and a Rat by the Chinese Calendar. If you couldn't guess, I'm seventeen."
❈Gender/Sexuality: "Really, are you blind? I'm a girl. I what to say I'm straight but I think I'm a little bisexual. Though no ones really gotten that close to me to find out. If you have a problem with it, I'll be happy to introduce you to my fist."
❈Hair/Eyes: "I have brown hair. Not too long but not too short either. I have sea blue eyes mixed with a hint of emerald green. I don't really know how I got that combo but I did."
❈Body Type/Weight/Height: "I'm just your average girl, in body type. Though I am somewhat alethic, so I guess not so average. Maybe 'sporty's a better word. Weight, is somewhere close to 137 lbs, well last I checked. My height, I wouldn't say that's average because its six feet even."
❈Personality: "I can be somewhat cruel and cold, and somehow people find that cool. Though that's because I hardly know anyone and my temper has help drive away any would be friends I would have. Though if you really, really, get past the outer defense wall. I'm actually caring and somewhat nice. Though I only know that from experience that one time, and it didn't last long."
❈School Status: "Um, the Outsider. The Social Outcast. I believe Bully and Monster have been in there somewhere at one point."
❈History: "There's nothing great behind me, just a lot of heart break. Born in Toyko, Japan as its was probably were the 'Yusirie' in my name came from. Soon after I was born, my parents hoped on a plane for the US with me in toe. According to my parents we settling in fast. Though I could always tell they were either worried or afraid for me. As I'd always stay to myself, I taught myself Ti Kua Do, along with how to use a sword. You know right now, I can't really blame them. Though I just can't really find someone to talk to that will not make me strangle them. So took to online games, video games, and computer games on top of my Ti Kua Do and Judo. I'm not going any further as you surly get the point."
❈Likes: "Gaming, Anime, Sharp pointy object, and Cats, well the Dragon Li breed mostly. Because of there color, look, and name."
❈Dislikes; "Know-It-Alls, Show-offs, anyone who pushes my buttons, and Justin Bieber."
❈Single or Taken: "Single, though I'm not looking for anyone. Go it?"
❈Faceclaim: India Eisley
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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty Cruise School OCs

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:31 pm " alt="" />
    Darkel Yusirie
    [size=85]Age (11-17)-
    "I was born on August 21st, right at the strike of midnight. Meaning I'm a total Leo, and my friends know it and sometimes hate it. True, I don't really believe in horoscopes but I found it to be somewhat right on some occasions. I'm at least 15, thanks for asking."
    Home Country-
    "My homeland is the good old USA. Where there's coast lines, mountain tops, deserts, and woodlands depending on where you are. Bustling cities all the way to farm lands. It's just a jack of all trade over here, and I love it."
    "My personality, boy can I tell you, I'm a total Leo. I can be very vocal of my opinion and if others don't agree I'll go my own way and do thing my way. I can give a problem a look and give a quick plan that usually works, sometimes the backfire and I'm the one that ends up with the mud on my face. I do have a soft heart once you really get close to me, though that's only if you get close like best friends status. The back lash is that I can be rather bossy though its not my ego talking, I swear and some of my friends can vouch for me too."
    "Starting at the beginning then, I was born in the Bronx of New Jersey, and weren't really the 'richest' family around. My father was a starting out business man at the time, while my mom was a starting out novel writer. The first day I went to school I was bullied for being a 'girly' girl, as for the following week. After that I had enough as socked the main one right in the jaw. You should have seen them run with their tails between their legs. So I changed my look to more of a gothic style and started in self defense and kick-boxing. Leading to a big change, and I started running a little gang of my own, 'Nocturnal'. Yes, supposedly, I'm a criminal though my gang doesn't run in the crime circles, but we are more like the undercover secret police. We have our covers and keep our faces hidden, tying up some more of those 'dirtier' gangs for the cops. My parents don't even know about what I'm doing, and I don't plan on telling them either. That's enough about me, or at least should be. Unfortunately, gaining the nickname of "Luxor" wasn't what I planned when being a mastermind of my gang."
    "I alway like reading books, mostly action or books on war tactics though I do read other things too, as none of those gangs we took down wouldn't have worked without some research. I do draw in my free time, as I'm the one who made our gang symbol. I do like music as long as it has a good beat. I'm into a little cooking and that's about it."
    "Let me see, people who think they know everything but don't. Pets, I never saw the reason behind them. Slow music, as its a total nightmare along with boring. Then finally people how see the 'line' given by the rules and never dare cross it, as I've broken many of them before and I'm still breathing because the police don't know my face or have my prints."
    "Winxer is a hypocrite, and by 'tried' is that good or bad? Other that those two things I'll take the right to remain silent."

" alt="" />
    Spencor Raknor
    [size=85]Age (11-17)-
    "I was born on October 26th, and to this date I am 14. I'm a Scorpio by date, though I don't believe in stuff like that. As it is often wrong."
    Home Country-
    "Born in Scotland, though raised in America. We moved right after I was born, because of my parents jobs and maybe some other things as well added to the decision."
    "Some tend to say I can be rather cold and very secretive. Though once you truly get to know me that is quiet wrong. I'm actually rather caring, though not many get to see through my emotionless mask. I can feel strongly about my opinions, but if given a superior argument I will concede my point."
    "Well, my family use to live in Scotland though moved to the USA just barely after I was born. We moved to the Bronx and never moved after that. It wasn't too bad, my parents were gone most of the time because their business people flying all over the place to keep their jobs. So I was alone most of the time. Started school, only because my parents had the whole house wired with security cameras. Only in the first few days I had already gained the reputation of a 'Hitter', the one that takes can of the others one way or another. Not like I really liked gaining that, though lets just say I didn't along with some of the other kids on the playground. After a few weeks of going to school I meet Darkel. She was different for sure, and it was rumored that she was the mastermind for an uprising gang. Of course, I didn't believe it at first, but when she and Miri quickly cornered me one day after school by calling a club meeting, did I learn the truth. She quickly slammed me with the truth, she was indeed the mastermind of the new gang 'Nocturnal' and Miri was her 'Grifter'. She laid out the facts, she was looking for a 'Hitter' and heard of me and asked me to join them in taking down the more criminal gangs. She said I had three days to think about her offer, after that time she'd come back for my answer. In closing she looked me straight in the eyes and told me that if I told anyone about them it would be the end. She quickly left with Miri after that, leaving me alone in that classroom. Those three days went by like clockwork as I took the offer under consideration, flipping it over and over again. She found me at school the next day and asked me about my decision. I remember asking her if she really could take those gangs down, I had a few run ins with some of them before and none of them were good. She replied with a curt yes but stated for it to work she needed my help. I'm sure I smirked a little that day as I took her I'd join. After that we started taking down other gangs, with the help of Reala, our Thief, and Brandon, our Hacker. That's how its been."
    "I like when people don't try and pry out my secrets, as everyone has skeletons in there closets and I'd like to leave mine there. I like reading in my spare time, and I do a little writing though no one and I mean no one will ever read it. I really like Chinese food mostly Ham Fried Rice. I also like taking time to 'stop and smell the roses' when not on a job."
    "Liars, but everyone doesn't like them. When things get out of control, mostly because someone..." Coughs Reala. "doesn't do their job all the way. And people who treat me and anyone else like Darkel, Reala, so on so forth like dirt. That just grinds my gears and makes me really, really want to kill or at least hurt them."
    "I don't know why, but I'll state it again. Winxer is a hypocrite. Other than that I have nothing to say."



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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty Uglies OC

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:33 pm

Name: My full name, ugh, fine... Kathleen Yusiriea Crystalian Azrath Mortem. Why my parents had to give me the longest name in the world, I don't know. If I had to name myself I would have stopped at 'Yusiriea' and called it there. Though no, they wanted to make sure every time I fill out some form was a pain. Though I think under any government document it is the first letter of the three leaving, YCA as my middle name. And please, Please, call me Kait. If anyone calls me Kathleen I'll probably scream my head off, once outside if its in some government building.
Age: Everyone is 16
Birthday: Every year's full cycle for me is March third. I believe back in the old days that would make me a Pisces, the two fish one if I remember correctly. I believe it also comes up in one of the old plays of Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, as the Idies of March. The only copy, I've managed to find, is the one I've been hiding as someone already tried to destroy it, because I found it partly burned under a pile of ashes.
Hair/eye colour: My hair is literally pitch black. Though the tame ability of it can differ on the humility. One day it can be perfectly flat, while another it is out of control. For those days, I have found no cure. My eye color, I've heard it's a mix between a light cyan blue and light green. I've tried looking for myself thought I only find the light blue with a little hue of the green. So I don't get why people say its there. Please, don't try looking for your self unless your eyeballs wish to meet my fingertips.
Body type/height/weight: Why does this question always come up? Never mind... I'd say I'm of more of the 'sporty' girl build, just to give those guys a run for there money. Also if they give me any flack, they can quickly get one hard knuckle sandwich from me. Some say for a girl I'm unusually tall, as I am six foot even. Some boys use it against me, though they soon learn their lesson. Weight, ugh..., about one hundred thirty-nine pounds. I'll say it now but I'm not repeating it, period.
Sexuality: Mostly I'm bisexual. I thought I was straight though quickly found out I was wrong. If you have a problem with it, I'll gladly introduce your gut to my fist, without mercy.
Personality: Of course this gets asked. I find myself to be rather personal and cold, as hard as it maybe to believe I'm rather aggressive towards others. Mostly those ones 'trying to get my goat' or 'yank my chain', and in the end they always wished they hadn't. Personally, it drives me insane when people can't stray away from the 'stupid' and 'absurd'. I will straight out tell you, with no remorse about being blunt, when your going to be doing that. Depending on people, some it takes longer to push my buttons, others a few seconds, and if someone rubs me the wrong way I will tear them apart. That's enough about me.
History: Ugh... Do I have to? Fine... I was fine until I started getting picked on but other kids about have my hideously long name. By the end of that week I had had enough, and punched him. I believe breaking his jaw, if I remember correctly. After that everybody seemed to stay away from me, not that it broke my heart or anything as I rather liked it. Only a few 'brave' smart alicks would tried it again, though ended in the same result every time. Every time it ha.p.p.en.ed I always got lectured at by my parents. "You can't do that... You have to be lady like..." And many other lines like that. Though I was getting slaughter because of the name they gave me, did anyone really think I wouldn't punch them back? I often would break my curfew every night and explore, along with learning how to ride a hoverboard I managed to find and fixed. If you ask me personally, New Pretty Town just looks like a place with more rules along with another place where people could use my name against me. As I personally like being a rebel, as this 'old dog' has learned plenty of 'new tricks'.
Likes: I like reading books, and not the ones the government puts in production now days. I mean the older ones by Shakespeare and Edger Allen Poe. As I love those, or at least the ones I've managed to find hard paper copies of. I also like writing my own books, along with drawing. As I needed something to do in all my 'free time' and I found out that I liked doing those things. Along with writing my own music.
Dislikes: Ohh...! Don't get me started! Books with no plots, horrid to read and soo plain. Rules, not like the 'don't kill' type rules, I mean the stupid rules like 'you can't cross this line' 'you can't go here' 'it is forbidden to go past here' and other dumb rules like that. To me that's an open door just begging for me to go through it. Along with people who just push my buttons event though they know I can beat them into the next century, though somehow have me restrained.
Turn ons: People who know when they've reached the line and take a step back, people who don't mind or like breaking the rules.
Turn offs: Whimps, people who clearly cross the line and deserve to get hurt, anyone that's too 'clingy', anyone how tries talking slow to me because I'm anti-social cause it doesn't mean I'm dumb, and anyone who keeps staring at me.

Name: Roxas Vexos Monrow
Age: Everyone is 16
Birthday: April 28th
Hair/eye colour: Light Brown hair, Dark blue eyes
Body type/height/weight: Normal build, 5 feet 7 inches, 125 lbs.
Sexuality: straight
Personality: Calm, intelligent, likes being outside. Is somewhat a rebel deep down.
History: Roxas wasn't really excited or dreading the day of his sixteen birthday and his Pretty operation. In the back of his mind he was somewhat coming up with a way out of it. Mentally he was rather relieved when the SC put him in with Tally and some others to journey to the Smoke. He was actually one of the guys who watched the others pick on Kathleen, he didn't like it though he didn't stop it either. And lives with the guilt, since she was brought in to go as well.
Likes: the outdoors, writing, and a good game of chess.
Dislikes: being ordered around, bullies, and people who complain too much.
Turn ons: Girls who will speak their mind, have confidence, and like the outdoors.
Turn offs: The 'girly' girls types, who don't like the outdoors, and cling to someone when danger comes around.


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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty Shugo Chara OC

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:34 pm

Name:Kaitlina Phantom Yusirie
Kaitlina has been going to Sayo for all her life, and has lived in the same area for that same amount of time. Her father work at a Judo Dojo, while her mom works for a dance company. She doesn't like to talk about her parents much and is usually left with her grandmother little mansion, which she doesn't like to talk about either. She had two guardians, Yumika, the dream of her combining her parent's careers of Judo and dance, and Spectra, the dream behind her isn't really know but deep in her soul its there. She's the Guardian's Ace chair.
Looks: -Mobile right now...- (Hope description will due for now.)
Description- She has long red-black hair which she'll sometimes have in a pony tail or just flat. When not wearing the Sayo uniform she'll usually be wearing a purple fading to black tank top with a black mini skirt decorated with light green spider webs design. With black leggings underneath, also black boots. Though she always wears a black side bag with the same green spider webs that she keeps Yumika and Spectra's eggs in. As she doesn't like the idea of leaving them with Yusei.

Guardian Characters and Eggs: -Mobile...-
Yumika description- She has bright blue hair that goes back into two separate point tails that's pink at the ends of them, and light cyan blue eyes. She wears a dark pink tutu with two brown sword holsters on the sides. With the same color of shoes.

Her egg is a dark pink base with a dancer's shoe on top of a sword.

Spectra description- She has long white hair the goes about half-way down her back, she has emerald green eyes that seem to glow when she gets mad and if she gets really mad they go entirely green. She wears a black mini top and shorts. As she always has a white coat with sleeves that go down the length of her arms and is connected around her neck while the rest of it blows any direction it wants. She wears white boots and white fingerless gloves. She has somewhat ghost like abilities, hence the name.

Her egg is pitch black, (When she first got it she though it was an X egg with out the X) with a slight green under tone.
Pet: A little white tiger cub, named Yusei.
Age: 10


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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty The Last Chance OCs

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:36 pm

Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Ereyhw
Name: I am Kait Iris Nexus, that is if your asking for my real name. Though if your ever going to here it from my mouth is another story.
Code Names and Reasons: I heard a few different one, much to my dislike. "Demon Lord", I believe I got that one because I was sent on a suicide Op and came back alive, though it was truly 'murderous'. "Reaper" because I seem to be the one that takes the most assassination jobs and using an today's version of a Scythe doesn't help either. Lastly, I've heard 'Mortem' the Italian word for 'Death' as that seems to follow me around a lot.
Gender: Are you kidding me! You must be blind not to see that I am a girl!
Sexuality: Must you ask!? I'm straight!
Age: I'm nineteen to this date. My birthdate is on June 22nd, one date I don't like talking about.
Hair/ Eye Color: My hairs blond right now, though my true hair color is black. I believe my eyes are brown with a little green, though I'm usually putting in different color contacts to change my identity, assassination isn't all 'fun and games'.
Type of Skin: I'm slightly pale though I have a slight tan.
Height/ Weight: I'm about one twenty last I checked. I'm about six feet tall.
Agency: PSA, I'm an American thank you.
I come from a broken family, as my mother and I went to work for PSA while my father and twin younger sisters went to work for BPP. I trained with a new Laser Scythe ever since I joined PSA and took mostly item retrieval jobs for several years before I started moving up the ranks. After that I started switching from item retrieval to assassination missions.
It went on for a few years before I was assigned for the assassination of my father, who was 'burned' by the BPP as his career was officially being nowhere. The attempt was to be taken at one of the Nobel's charity party on a late Thursday night. I went undercover as a new BPP supporter, Lucia Gladfield, and the first part of it went smoothly. Until, unknown to PSA intelligence, my twin sisters, Elise and Heria, blew my cover, what can I say, I'm no good at formal engagements. Let me cut this long story short, everyone at that party perished at the end of my laser scythe and truly I didn't even care assassinating my own father, and my little sisters, true not needed but were just a bonus in my book. The tape of this event was hidden in the PSA archives after some of the higher ups deemed it too much, at a latter date it was destroyed and my conceit was asked on the matter. After that I become much more cold and emotionless branding me with the "Demon Lord" code name, and truly I don't like it. Some see the code name of that as a disgrace, that its was something that was never suppose to ha.p.p.en because of The Rules. Though it ha.p.p.en.ed all the same. I never really cared about the code name labels I have, and I usually stays away from agents in my own agency.
My mother died two years ago, the reasons are still unknown so now I'm all alone. That's just what I've been use to for a long time. I've gone through a few to many partners over the years I've been with PSA, most of them rookies and hot shots. The only good partner I've had was Micheal Asoun, or "Bewolf" due to his skills. We worked together for a good few years, pulling off some hard Ops. Though when I went solo on my father's assassination job, he went solo on a retrieval and got kill on the exit. After that I asked to stop getting partners, as another newbie I'd probably kill them.
Personality: Cold and quiet as I've always been a lone wolf. I can be somewhat kind though I have a hard time showing it. I'm extremely not fond of working with our agents unless I knows them.
Why did you join the agency?: Under my mother's wishes and my father's hatred. As it seemed like a good enough idea.
Strengths: Stealth, Agility, experienced with Scythe combat, Hand to Hand skills
Weakness: Formal Shindigs, Anger outburst mostly if you bring up my father and twin sisters, 'kindness', real world interactions, a short temper, a little blood lust and I hate bring that up...
Weapons (Up to date, no 'swords' or 'bows and arrows'): Laser-bladed Scythe, Dual Blasters, Tazer
Extras: nope.
My room:" alt="" />

Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Wcd1y1
Name : My name, is Alexander Marthen Manwell. That is my real name.
Code names and reason (for which the character got the code names , and can be up to 4 ) : I've heard "Loki" because I do sometimes have a 'silver tongue' and the only other one I've heard is "Changeling" because I ha.p.p.en to be the one guy with a large number of cover IDs.
Age (between 16 and 19) : I'm seventeen, my birthday is March 3rd. Not a great day, if you ask me.
Hair/ Eye color: My hair is red mixed with brown. My eye color is a cold ice blue, though I don't need anyone verifying.
Type of skin: I'm pale, though in direct sunlight I burn hard.
Height/ Weight: I'm five and a half feet tall, and one hundred and fifty pounds.
Agency (BPP or PSA ) : BPP, as I'm British by birth.
History : I don't have that 'perfect past' everyone seems to think I've had. I had an abusive father, well drunk could also be added to that too. He usually beat me, or my little sister Rose. Though it was usually me most of the time as I got into trouble a lot, I had to steal groceries cause 'Dad' would blow his paycheck, I had to Hotwire cars in order to even get to the store, and I usually found many different ways to escape mostly through the floor boards. Once I was eleven, me and Rose who was ten at the time, ran away. I managed to get Rose into a good foster system and I went rouge on the streets as a thief. I managed to get by for the next few years and Rose was in a good home. Then the BPP found me, and recruited me. End of the past about me.
Personality :
I can be quiet and a little anti-social. I'm sly and not really easy to gain trust from, fast. I can be nice and a team player if I have to be, other than that same as before.
Why did you joined the agency you are in : It was better than me on the streets stealing for a living, and I didn't need Rose finding out I was in prison. So I joined BPP.
Strenghts : Stealth, Hand to hand combat, Speed
Weaknesses : Social ability, Underwater combat, can't swim
Weapons (almost any kind of weapon or gun , but please , we're rping in year 2500 so don't put "bow and arrow , sword " ) : A sniper Rifle, Desert Eagle, and a pistol.
Others : Nothing.


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty The forever War OCs

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:37 pm

Name: Icis Callaway
Age (14-24): 21
Rank (Slave, Normal, or Royalty): Royalty (Dragon King {its a title so it goes with both genders})
Creature: Dragon
Side: Death
Has been leading the dragons for some time, though she doesn't like the war. She is calm though due to her position she can be rather cold and blunt at times.
Be leading the dragons since she was 17. Been trying to keep her clan from going into chaos.
Powers (only two can have 'sun' power): (I've seen two suns though I'll ask anyways for her to use it.)
Extras: Dragon runes up and down her arms and clothing for protection
Look (Normal and Transformed): (on mobile... All pictures will come.)

Name: Kaitya Nights
Age (14-24): 19
Rank (Slave, Normal, or Royalty): Royalty (The Lady)
Creature: Kitsune
Side: Tales
Sweet and caring. Though can be serious and a leader in these times of crises.
Leads the Kitsunes, though really doesn't like the war, at all.
Powers (only two can have 'sun' power): Spirit powers
Extras: gold circlet inlays on her arms
Look (Normal and Transformed): ("")

Name: Marik Monrow
Age (14-24): 17
Rank (Slave, Normal, or Royalty): Slave
Creature: Werewolf
Side: Death
Secretive, a lone wolf, and calm.
Been a slave for as long as he can remember. Doesn't like the war though he's following his orders anyways.
Powers (only two can have 'sun' power): Earth
Extras: no
Look (Normal and Transformed): ("")


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Crimson Izanagi's RP Storage (Do Not Post) - Page 10 Empty WCRP OCs

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:40 pm

Name: Alexandra Reginleif (meaning Power Trace)
Age: 16
Power: Pyrokinetic (Which is increase by her rage)
Favored Guardian Goddess: Eos, Hemera
Any Mutations: Pink Spots
Main Weapon: Scythe (Which contains and can launch her fire.)
Main Position in War: Defense Force General
Bio: Alexandra never did have much of a normal life. She was usually beaten early on for anything even for simple things like walking. After seven years of her life being beaten and being called worthless did her temper break as flame erupted around her burning down most of her old home. Though that only made things worse as her parents chained her to a rock in the middle of a misty forest and left her to die. She watched as they left shouting for them just for it to fall on deaf ears. She couldn’t help crying for the first hour though after that she tried to break her chains. She tried her fire multiple times though she couldn’t get it hot enough. As her power was sent out in bursts as some Mind scouts were able to tract her to where she was. After they freed her they brought her back with them along with calling her Reginleif as it was the one thing that saved her life. Once she reached 13 was she able to go do and receive a blessing from Eos, the Goddess of the Dawn allowing her flames to change from red to white.
(She goes by Reginleif more than Alexandra.)
Apperance: Pictures only
Transformed (if)-

Name: Lylana Svanhvit (meaning Swan)
Age: 15
Favored Guardian Goddess: Metis, Themis
Mutations: Light Blue Stripes
Main Weapon: Four Ceremonial Daggers (Three float through her Psychokinesis the last she uses)
Main Position in War: Stragiest
Bio: Lylana had an sub normal life as she had friends, schooling, and joys of everyday life. Though the day she received her surname was when it all changed. Getting the surname of Svanhvit made her a laughing stock of her home. As many would saw she was pretty like a swan but it was just that. Even though everyone knew of her powers it didn’t change the fact because of her surname. After taking one to many days of verbal abuse did she crack as the rocks from everywhere around her and of all different sizes lifted up from the ground. Scaring the group into running off and afterwards of all the rocks crashing down did he appear. A Mind scout as the words he said shocked her, “So the white swan becomes black.”. She joined the Minds as a Stragist and not long after did and received blessing from Metis, the Goddess of Wisdom giving her knowledge of terrain, though since this was not done at the shrine she can’t transform.
Appearance: With Pictures
Transeformed (if)- Cannot

Name: Serna Hjorprimul (Meaning The Sword Warrioress)
Age: 17
Power: Super Endurance
Favored Guradian Goddess: Athena, Artemis
Mutations: Dark Purple Markings (as in drawings which will come... Eventually.)
Main Weapon: Two Broadswords
Main Position in War: Attack Squad General
Bio: Senra, was an orphan as long as she could remember. She never had a family, a roof over her head, or a ‘loving’ environment. She has always been alone. After being on her own for years she managed to get her hands on two rusty broadswords and no one knows where or how she got them. She trained with them and learned how to survive in the wild keeping her alive and on her own. As soon as she reached 16 did everything pick up, as she happened to find ‘Muscle’ scouts running around her forest. She didn’t know wither to attack them or just watch them, but she followed them anyway. She stalked them from the tree tops as they continued, until one member of the group noticed her presence. The one stopped and pointed with its rapier towards her as arrows followed after. She quickly jumped from her perch and the arrows slid off her blade as she landed right in front of the group. The one gripping the rapier started to move but the leader stopped her with the back of her ax. She quickly stepped front and with a curt bow addressed her as Hjorprimul and asked for her to follow. Not long after with her skill did she make it into a high position in the Muscle army due to her skill but if it was on her personality it would have been entirely different as she is very personal and quiet, unless she is leading then she is loud and intelligent. After doing and receiving her blessing from Athena, allowing her to use enchanted armors and weapons.
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Lina Trima (Fight)
Age: 14
Power: Super Speed
Guardian Goddess: Asteria
Mutations: None
Main Weapon: Rapier
Main Position in War: Defense Squad Lieutenant
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Isabell Skeggold (Axe Age)
Age: 22
Power: Super Strength
Guardian Goddess: Themis
Mutations: Black Spots
Main Weapon: Dual Headed Battle Ax
Main Position in War: Attack Squad First Lieutenant
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Sniha Sanngrior (Very Violent)
Age: 18
Power: Body Control (Kind of Puppet Master through Psych.)
Guardian Goddess: Eris
Mutations: Black Markings (Shown in Pic)
Main Weapon: Dual Scythe
Main Position in War: Rebel
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Qila Hlokk (Noise)
Age: 14
Power: Sonic Noise (Sends out Psych wave which the brain links to nails on a chalkboard or even higher.)
Mutations: None
Guardian Goddess: Dike
Main Weapon: A Whip
Main Position in War: Attack Squad (Low Rank) Solder
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)- Cannot

Name: Siltha Geiravor (Spear Goddess)
Age: 17
Power: Super Flight
Guardian Goddess: Eirenne
Mutations: None
Main Weapon: Spear
Main Position in War: Attack Squad Second Lieutenant
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Kai Herja (Devastate)
Age: 21
Power: Mind Control
Guardian Goddess: Eris
Mutations: Black Markings (As seen in pic)
Main Weapon: Dual Dark Ceremonial Daggers
Main Position in War: Rebel
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Terra Randgrid (Shield Destroyer)
Age: 18
Power: Super Regeneration
Guardian Goddess: Nike
Mutations: Gold Markings (Shown in pic)
Main Weapon: Huge War Hammer
Main Position in War: Defense Squad General
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-

Name: Sonna Svipul (Changeable)
Power: Telekinsis
Guardian Goddess: Metis
Main Weapon:
Main Position in War:
Appearance: With Pictures
Transformed (if)-


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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