TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ

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TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ - Page 4 Empty Re: TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ

Post  Micromeichi Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:14 am

Chapter the 2nd

There is a reason you don't go jumping through portals you find in pizza boxes. One reason is that pizza boxes are no decent home for a portal, and it's not a good idea to further investigate any out of place objects. A second reason is the the fact that you have willingly put your self in a black-hole atmosphere, spreading every one of your atoms through a vacuum, with the atoms of others might I add, and hoping that not only you will come out the other side, but with all your atoms where they should be, as the same with your acquaintances. Now, logic says that you would have been completely obliterated coming out the other side, but if you did happen to survive, there was a very big chance you might have some of your friend's atoms, therefore creating problems all across the board. Then again, this story is made against any logic in the first place, so let's continue along with our narrative, shall we?

Our heroines have safely traveled through our pizza-sized wormhole, and defying logic, were perfectly fine.

"Again! Again! That was AWESOME!" Lorrell said, jumping up several moments after our trio hit the ground.

"Where are we....." Scarlet muttered, rubbing her head. Must've hit it pretty hard.

Jo was the last to sit up. She actually had the mind to look around, unlike the other two. They seemed to be in a small forest, with trees towering over top of them, blocking out the sun, and cool grasses underneath them. A small dirt path sat before where they sat. "Looks like nothing spectacular here, guys. No crazy world with dinosaurs or anything." she said, sighing. "What are we going to do now, Blank?" Blank must have been the new nickname for the Majikku sisters, carrying on from the No Game No Life reference made back in their own dimension.

"We explore, duh." Lorrell said, as if the answer was blatantly obvious. It must have been too, as Scarlet nodded curtly, confirming Lorrell's claims.

So, now we figure that the first thing in our heroes' mind would be exploring,  instead of figuring out how to survive in this new odd world. That could easily get all three of them killed very quickly. But there I go again with my logic. Sometimes I'm to smart to be narrating this sort of stuff.  Why I got this instead of an epic fantasy is beyond me,  but I shouldn't be complaining.

Turns out,  the little dirt path led to a small village with houses made of the insides of trees.  You didn't have to come from another dimension to figure that is pretty odd.

"I wonder if elves live here!" said Lorrell upon seeing the village of trees. Why does everyone associate trees with elves!? I think of little pixies, but no one listens to me anyways.

"If anything still lives here , they're either out of town or all asleep...." Scarlet said, as the village did appear seemingly deserted.

Just then, a quiet voice spoke up behind them.


The three girls turned around to see a boy with long pointed ears, and, a tail? Hahaha! See, no elves for you! Anyways, the boy's tail was dark green, like the color of pine needles, his windswept hair the same color. He had bright yellow eyes, like the color of sunflower petals.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Jo shouted,  jumping back. "Is this where you live?"

The boy nodded. He was roughly 5'11'' so he was looking down on Jo, who stood at 5'4''.  "You're humans, right?  I've never met a human before.....,"

The trio glanced at each other,  before Lorrell responded "Indeed we are, but we're not from the area." When they say 'Not from they area' they mean 'Not from this dimension' but no need to get so specific. "What are you anyways? Species wise."

The boy looked at Lorrell confused, before answering "I'm a bush devil, I'm surprised you did't know that....." See, I told you no elves.

"A bush devil?" Scarlet asked, furrowing her brow. She figured that it was a species for just this dimension. "Well, that's interesting. I'm Scarlet Majikku. Pleased to meet you."

Lorrell went next in the introduction line "Hey there! I'm Lorrell Majikku, but just call me Lori!"

Jo followed. "I'm Jo. No more, no less."

Finally, was the bush devil boy. "I'm Erolith Flathunter. You all seem to have very odd names...." He said.

You too, buddy Lorrell thought. What kind of name was Erolith?

"What brings you here, anyways?" Erolith asked, crossing his arms and giving the trio a half-curious, half-confused look.

"A piz-" Lorrell was about to spit out the odd truth when Scarlet covered her mouth.

"We were traveling around, looking for a place to rest. Do you know of an inn nearby?" Scarlet answered the question with a much more believable lie, but a lie nonetheless.

"There's a human civilization nearby......but I've never been there." Erolith asked, glancing at the ground, wrapping his spiny tail around his left leg.

"Could you take us there?" Jo asked, eyes full of hope.

"Maybe, I'm not sure." Erolith said, looking back up at the girls. "But I can certainly try."

Our heroines smiled brightly. "Thank you!" chirped Lorrell. "It really is a lot of help!"

Erolith smiled just ever so slightly. "Really, its no problem for me. I have nothing to do. Just follow me." With saying that, he started his way out the little abandoned village, gesturing for the three girls to follow him. Without another word said, they begun to walk to, well, less of a walk but more of a jog-to-run, I suppose.

I guess you can leave it to these three to make an ally within their first hour in a strange land. But we have yet to learn if this Erolith is actually friend or foe. I mean, a name like bush devil doesn't sound to promising, but hey, we can't judge a book by it's cover.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ - Page 4 Empty Re: TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ

Post  Joseyposey Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:28 pm

Yay! Me loves it! Very Happy


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-23

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TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ - Page 4 Empty Re: TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:03 pm

Please continue! *puppy dog eyes*


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ - Page 4 Empty Re: TᕼE TᗩᒪEᔕ Oᖴ IᑎᔕᗩᑎE GIᖇᒪᔕ : ᔕᗩᐯIᑎG TᕼE ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ EᗪITIOᑎ

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