Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13}

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13}

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:50 pm

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Akwwpg

(Note this is PG-13. If you are not fine with that do not continue. The Cover is my own made.)

In a world plagued with creatures rather new to use all, the Daemonia. Creatures that live inside all humans, and feed off of the negative emotions until the consume their host whole. Who hold the powers of the Diablos Tarots. While girls and some guys from 22 different blood lines can use the powers of the Elemental Tarots to fight these creatures.

These girls and guys chosen from birth to face this daunting task, plunge themselves into a secret battle. To keep the world balance, while carrying unbearable guilt of their own.

Are they executioners? Or Saviors?

No one can be certain. As the Wild Card, or the Fool Tarot card has never been seen since the start of these events. Though now one girl must come to grips with her new found fate... And with the last card coming to light in these times might not be the omen of good graces like they want.

It is the omen of the end.




Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Characters

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:51 pm

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Vxknt2

            'The Fool, either a reclusive fox or a timid rat. Only time is ones guild.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1201847-bigthumbnail

Kait Irene Nightengale -

Kait was an average girl, going to school and just living life day to day. Though she is the User of the Wild Card, or the Fool Tarot Card. She is rather agile, pretty unpredictable, uncannily clever, mythical know-it-all, and can usually make people laugh without too much of a problem. She never knew about the Daemonia or the unknown battles as her parents both are already dead. She has lived with her mom's sister all this time, and the first Daemonia she killed was her sisters.

Her always active power is that she's very unpredictable, can see the mythical creatures hiding in the world, and extremely had to scare. Yet somehow she had the ability to hear a Daemonia's thoughts.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1095396_0

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 2805hkw

            'The Star, a bright light in the darkness though also alone in that darkness.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime_girl_fav0002

Hoshi Ron -

Hoshi was born and raise in Japan. She has her head on her shoulders though at times can be rather scatterbrained. She has a crazy imagination and often runs with it. Her card the Star tarot card. She learned how to use is because of her grandmother not wanting her to get attack by a Daemonia and not knowing what to to like she did, and she barely survived. She was forced to watch her friend being killed by a rouge Daemonia, she trains usually and usually keeps to herself and never tells her problems to others unless they actually get to friend status.

Her always active power is that others tend to drawn to her, and she can easily see in the dark.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1458188-bigthumbnail

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8rpwRyr1st3djco6_250

            'Death, one thing that comes for everyone though it does have feelings and its own secrets.'

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 721713084_1137500

Lara Madeline Night -

Lara at one time did have a normal life as her mother had past down her knowledge of the Daemonia and the Elemental Tarot. She is very quiet and quiet cold and blunt to her team mates though can open up to her friends slightly after a while though if someone breaks her trust it is gone forever. Her card is the Death Tarot Card. She lives at the school, the base and home for all Elemental Tarot Card users. Because she had to watch as her father turned into a Daemonia and killed the rest of her family, then that she had to kill him. She never talks about her problems to anyone, and maybe never will.

Her always active power is that she can see and talk to ghosts. Somehow she has the ability to hear a Daemonia's thoughts.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 683956957_417937

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Bjg5t5

            'The Moon, one who shines in the night though also has a dark side.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1417652-bigthumbnail

Musi Harmonia -

Musi had a slightly normal life, as she was train by her mother in the ways of her Elemental Tarot card, The Moon. She's crazy, silly, and has a good amount of mood swings. She does live at the school though her family has a villa back in Romania. She's impartial about the idea of fighting Daemonia and never did like the sight of Daemonia either.

Her always active power is that dogs really tend to like her, and that when she's around flowers that bloom only at night will bloom. She is also a healer.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 16952-anime-paradise-magical-anime-girl_large

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 2iggnwm

            'Temperance, the balance between everything though sometimes that balance is stressed.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTogPOChJ2kA13cCAApk0Hu2d7755-JrIt7ELeyEBdhzmVkAtY7

Astrid Opal Rain -

Astrid, or Opal as she likes to be called, had pretty much a normal life well ish. She's kind and calm though does indeed have a crazy and wild side. Her Elemental Tarot is Temperance. She does live at the school as well though does at times go home to her uncle, who showers her with gifts. She can be rather free going.

Her always active power is that she brings wealth to those she loves, like her uncle. Also no matter if people hate each other she can easily get them to work together and not hate each other.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 5a2d4f25618f4a6ba977ffcd32d97006

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8ok93aA1st3djco1_250

            "The Magician, through smoke and mirrors makes their tricks though how can judge how much of their act is real or fake..."

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime152

Penelope "Peace" Johnson -

Peace, as she's called as she doesn't really like Penelope, didn't have a normal life. She's creative and very innovative. Her card is The Magician. She lives at the school because a Daemonia destroyed her family long before she could see them, and she never learned how to control her powers because of that.

Her alway active power is that magic tricks for her are actually real. Or at least she can make them real and some spells from ancient texts actually work for her.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 15832-anime-paradise-pretty-anime-magical-girl_large

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8rpwRyr1st3djco1_250

            'Strength, one card can be the top of the world though it can be lonely at the top.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1816924_1312043125176.77res_500_402

Nikk Draconic Alanbrad -

Nikk pretty much had much of a normal life until his powers awakened. He is slightly out there, and way out there, at times, hilarious, different and very amusing. His Elemental Tarot is the Strength Tarot card.

His alway active power is that, as implied, is very strong. He can see some of the mythical creatures of the world mostly dragons. He can also take on some draconic traits, to an extent.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} DragonBoy

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Zx8b46

            'The Hieropant, an enlightened figure though being enlightened doesn't mean others will listen.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} AnimeGirl131

Pearl Lierica Raizu -

Pearl somewhat had a normal life, until her powers awakened. She is very nice and isn't really fond of fighting. Her Elemental Tarot is the Hieropant or the Pope in other words.

She doesn't have an alway active power.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Priestess-louise

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8ok93aA1st3djco2_250

            "The High Priestess, a job only one can do but if one is up to the job that is another question..."

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1260938198_6149_full

Winter Faragondan -

Winter had a pretty fair off life, even past her powers awakening. She is very kind and nice, along with being very wise. Her Elemental Tarot card is the High Priestess.

She doesn't have an alway active power.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 846239-bigthumbnail

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 25gzb4n

            'The Emperor, a high place for a person of great power though is it really that great?'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} AnimeGuy16

Levi Hay Accel -

Levi had a fair beginning until the Daemonia came suddenly into his life. He is kind, hilarious, and yet has charm. His Elemental Tarot is The Emperor.

He doesn't have an alway active power.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Sepharos

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8ok93aA1st3djco3_250

            'The Emperess, a high peak that may be though it is lonely at the top.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 4jb869

Allison Allray -

Allison had a normal life until a Daemonia came along and ruined it. She is fun and kind, though a big ball of fun. Her Elemental Tarot is the Emperess.

She has no always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 245005-20051219155947

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Vevx2f

            'The Tower, one place that leans high above the rest though is that really that great?'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Img-thing?

Windalucia "Windy" Deran -

Windy didn't have a normal life because a Daemonia came and ruined it. She is pretty crazy, wild, and a total otaku. Her Elemental Tarot is The Tower.

Her always active power is that she causes things to happen as she walks by. Like either the sidewalk cracks a little, or a window starts to draw cracks, or that things start to break around her.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} DarkAnimeGirl1

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} T9unn7

            'The Lovers, Love is a powerful thing yet a double edged sword.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime_girl_render_by_yuihirasawaqisty44-d589cjo

Ushi Callaway -

Ushi had a totally normal life even when her powers awakened. She is other there and crazy though does have a peaceful side, somewhere. Her Elemental Tarot is The Lovers.

Her always active power is that she can influence others to fall in love, she just can't make them fall in love.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} CupidGirl

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Iz3xoj

            'The Hermit, often living a life alone with nothing but ones shadow for company.'Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Brownhair

Fairia Neko -

Fairia never got to have a normal life as her parents died before she could learn about the Daemiona until she managed to wind up with Ms. Alamoria. She is out there though quiet at the the same time. Her Elemental Tarot is The Hermit.

She doesn't have any always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1132755134_erfly_girl

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Zik8x3

            'The Sun, the brightest thing is a noon day sun but some can't stand the brilliance of the sun.'

Luciera Valientine -

Luciera, or Lucy in other words, had a very well of begining, because her parents are rich. She's nice and considerate though has her own crazy side under her belt. Her Elemental Tarot is The Sun.

Her always active power is that plants grow extremely fast around her.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 17309-anime-paradise-anime-magical-girl

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Tumblr_mpy8rpwRyr1st3djco3_250

            'The Wheel of Fortune, one who tells all though sometimes it isn't the news one wants to here.'

        Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} The_triplets_bunny_girl_by_poweredbuttercup10-d6df6t2

(Left to right, Sarah left; Serna middle; Silvia right)
The Triplets -

Sarah, Serna, and Silvia Kones are the three triplets that have the Wheel of Fortune Elemental Tarot. The are the main ones that send the teams on missions.

They have no always active powers.

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Dfhhz7

            'Justice, one true pure light of the way to righteousness.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Animegirl97

Laila Cresent Shimmer -

Laila managed to get away with a normal childhood, though that all once her powers awakened. She is very kind and very curious about other thing, though she doesn't like fighting. Her Elemental Tarot is Justice.

She has no always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Animegirl34hd

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Nqwz7b

            'The Chariot, the ride of a noble though like anything one can break, though repair is always in question.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Cute_anime_guy_by_im_betterthan_youd3ad2i6_by_izaya22-d4gbo8o

Marik Nathen Detroit -

Marik didn't have a normal childhood, as he had to watch as his sister became a Daemonia in front of him. He's quiet and can be rather violent at times. His Elemental Tarot is The Chariot.

He doesn't have any always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime_Knight

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 21kl8nc

            'The Hanged Man, one only hangs them self after plenty of troubles, just how deep is the question.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 138009

Yu Narukami Shin -

Yu managed to have a somewhat normal childhood before his powers awakened. He is very kind though extremely quiet because he had to kill his mother because she became a Daemonia. His Elemental Tarot is The Hanged Man.

He doesn't have any always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1370053-bigthumbnail

Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Queen_swordsNightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Queen_wandsNightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Queen_cups
            'The Queen of the Court, four cards worth to equal one major arcana card. Though she can hold her own.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Girl_with_brown_hair_and_blue_eyes_by_missustaylorhatake-d5nvci1

Izabella "Izzy" Shimmer-

Izabella, or Izzy more often, never got to have that 'normal' childhood like she wanted. She is kind and at times can tell it to you straight wither bad, good, or ugly. Her Elemental Tarot is the Queen of Swords, Wands, Coins, and Cups, or otherwise know as the Queen of the Courts.

She has no always active power.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 17228-anime-paradise-cute-dark-anime-girl_large

- Teachers -

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Raybet

            'The Devil, a darkness soo deep that blinds the soul black enough to turn anyone.'Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime_Guy_by_CannibalTaco34

Mr. Kolencof Southlkey -

Mr. Kolencof Southlkey is one of the teachers at the school, or the Mystic Private Adcemy. He is the gym and history teacher there. His Elemental Tarot is The Devil.

He doesn't have any always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Commission__Demon_by_raiyneofgailin

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 30uy0r9

            'Judgement, should soo light that should be handed down soo heavily.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Anime_girl13

Ms. Juniper Snowsbell -

Ms. Juniper Snowsbell is one of the teachers and headmistress of the school. She teachers Daemiona history and Tarot History. Her Elemental Tarot is Judgement.

She doesn't have any always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Half_minute_hero_goddess2_2424

                Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 2u6ids7

            "The World, everything to bear on ones shoulders can be a taxing and heavy burden.'
            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 819272-bigthumbnail

Ms. Adelaide Alamoria -

Ms. Adelaide Alamoria is one of the teachers and vice headmistress of the school. She teaches Writing and Art. She took in Fairia after she found the girl abandoned. Her Elemental Tarot is The World card.

She has no always active powers.

            Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} 1614727-bigthumbnail

- Villains -

Currently Unknown



Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Teams

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:52 pm

Students are separated into teams to work together, if they like or not is not a concern.

The A Team -
The Death Card User - Lara
The Magician Card User - Penelope 'Peace'
The Tower Card User - Windy
Strength Card User - Nikk
The Fool Card User - Kait
The Sun Card User - Lucieria
The Moon Card User - Musi
The Star Card User - Hoshi
Temperance Card User - Opal
Queen of the Courts - Izzy

The B Team -
The Hermit Card User - Fairia
The Hanged Man Card User - Yu 'Narukami'
Justice Card User - Laila
The Chariot Card User - Marik
The Emperor Card User - Levi
The Emperess Card User - Allison
The High Priestess Card User - Winter
The Lovers Card User - Ushi
The Pope Card User - Pearl

The Last Resort -
The Devil Card User - Mr. Southlkey
The World Card User - Ms. Alamoria
Judgement Card User - Ms. Snowsbell

Daemonia Research Department -
The Wheel of Fortune Card User(s) - Sarah, Serna, and Silvia (the triplets)

*The teachers team only fights in the moments of dire need.

*The Daemonia Research Department Never Fights.



Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Table of Contents

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:53 pm

Table of Contents -

- Prologue Part 1 - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Prologue Part 2 - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Prologue Part 3 - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Chapter 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Chapter 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Chapter 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 1
- Chapter 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2
- Chapter 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Page 2
- Chapter 11/Announcement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 2

Last edited by ScarletDrakon on Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:33 pm; edited 3 times in total


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Prologue Part 1

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:56 pm

The morning has started like any other morning, the sunlight came streaming through the window and onto the bed trying to wake up the girl inside. Though like ever morning came the famous shouting from downstairs.

"Kait? Kait! Wake up, dear!"

The girl struggled to make her way out of bed at that. Her short almost spiked black hair was very messy as she managed to get her head out from under those covers. The door to her room op.en.ed as her aunt looked into the bedroom.

"Come on dear, or well be late." Her aunt gently said looking into the room. "Today's the anniversary of your mother's death. Hurry up or well have to leave without you." She said as she pulled the door cl.os.ed as she left.

The girl slightly woke up at that to understand what her aunt had said and quickly jumped out of bed at that. Dashing over to her closet as she hurried to get dressed. Once she had finally gotten her clothing on neatly enough did she rush out of her room at towards the stairs to make her way downstairs to see her aunt and uncle along with her twin sisters, Alisha and Lokia.

"Ready to go, dear?" Her aunt asked as Kait hurried into the room.

"Yes." Kait replied rather simply as she smiled slightly, she never liked this day much as it was the one day that her mother had died three years ago.

"Alright then, let's go." Her uncle said as those three started out the door first while Alisha and Lokia stayed behind in the living room for a minute or three.

"Why does she have to do that...?" Alisha growled as her hands clenched into fists, her gaze shifted back to Lokia. "Why does she have to be soo... soo... like that!"

"I don't know..." Lokia muttered as the screen around them flashed in and out like an old television screen. "But, I hate her." Her eyes flashed a dark red as she said those hateful words.

Alisha's eyes flashed the same color as the world around them continued to faze out of view. A growl escaped her mouth as everything turned black around them.

"Girls?" The mother called for them, coming back into the living room to find those two gone. She shrugged not knowing why but guessing those two had gone ahead without her knowing. She briskly left to catch up with her husband and Kait.


The same light that morning came through the windows of one of the classroom of Mystic Private Adcemy. The students were working on various of assignments or absolutely nothing as music roared from the speakers in the halls. Most if not all of the students looked up at that, as a woman's voice came though on the speaker in the classroom.

"Team A, come to the Mission Drop Room, now!"

One of the guys in the classroom got up and headed for the doors. While several girls followed him soon after. One girl stopped by the door out of the classroom and looked back, noticing one girl, with long black hair, still sitting at her desk drawing.

"Come on, Lara. We've got to go." The girl said rather urgently as she stood at the door. "If we don't then Ms. Snowsbell will give us a lecture a mile long!"

"Alright, alright, Musi." Lara sighed slowly getting up from her sketch of one of the trees she could see from her desk by the window. She slowly but surely made her way over to the door to leave the classroom. "Let's go."

Musi smiled as she quickly ran down the hall with Lara easily on her heels. Managing to catch up to the others.

"Good to see you made it, Musi." Said one brown haired girl as they caught up to the other running students.

"Yeah, thanks Hoshi." Musi replied as she smiled.

"Oh, Lara, I'll run ahead and tell Nikk that you made it!" Hoshi easily said as she picked up her speed to get to the front of the group without even waiting for a response.

"She didn't have to do that, I could have don't it myself." Lara sighed to herself as she ran with the others, as eventually the ones at the lead of the group turned off into a room. She ran with them to see that they had stopped inside the room and she did as well. Two people stepped forward from the group the only guy and one of the girls.

"Team A reporting." The guy said easily looking at Ms. Snowsbell, who was just in front of them. While the triplets looked down at them from above.

"Team A reporting." The girl who had stepped forward said looking at Ms. Snowsbell too.

"Good." Ms. Snowsbell said simply. "Four Daemonia have appeared. Two downtown and two in the suburbs. Team A your priority with be the Daemonia in the suburbs, while Team B your priority with be the Daemonia downtown. If one of you finish before the other you will go and help the other team in their area." She said very firmly as she wasn't one to joke around. "Now, Team A get in position for the drop. Team B your drop will be after them."

The guy nodded as he sprinted towards the metal chandler like device with little cages pointing downward of them to stand in for the drop. Two other girls followed him with Lara rather behind them.

"Hope you guys finish so we can fight together." Musi said as Lara slowly walked after her team. "And be careful!"

"I'm still breathing aren't I?" Lara replied at first. "Don't worry I will." She said as she then hurried and took her place for the drop.

"Be careful!" The triplets said together as the two on the side consoles pulled two switches and the one with the middle console pulled hers last. The ground below the chandler device slowly pulled back to show as work hole underneath the chandler slowly started to go higher as it appeared. "Drop!" The triplets shouted together as the one in the middle hit a button on her console as the cages around the members of team A retracted dropping them into the worm hole.

Each one dived into the worm hole as a head of each one of them appeared a gate. One after another did each person got through their respective gate. From the other side the gates were large tarot cards, Strength, The Tower, The Magician, and Death. One by one did each team member come through their card, personifying their tarot card and then continued to dive after that as a few seconds later did they come out in some parallel dimension to the Earth. Each one landed rather easily, except for one girl who crashed right into the ground.

"I'm never going to get use to that..." Came out muffled by the ground from the girl who had crash as she sluggishly got up.

"You get use to it, Windy." Another girl said in reply to Windy's garbled message.

"Penelope, Nikk... Can we get going before the Daemonia do more damage?" Lara questioned walking slightly forward and them looking back at the group. "They dropped us off target."

"Agreed, let's get going then." Nikk said starting out in front of the group. "At this rate they could be anywhere in the Astrialix." He muttered as he took the lead with Lara quickly behind him and then followed by Windy and Penelope.

"Let's just get there before somebody has to pay the price for it." Lara sighed darkly as they went.


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Prologue Part 2

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:39 pm

The sun was setting that late afternoon as Kait, followed by her aunt and uncle, entered the graveyard. The girl slowly walked over to one grave in the shade of a tree as she slowly kneel down in front of the grave and placed a bouquet of purple roses on the grave. The girls eyes slowly looked up at the inscription of the gravestone which read, Abagale Nightengale and nothing more. She stayed there for a minute more as she brushed the tears out of her eyes as she got up and she looked back at her aunt and uncle for a second as the started to leave through those cold iron gates of the cemetery once more. Kait slowly looked back at the cemetery one last time until her aunt slight jerked her hand to bring her back to reality.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Her aunt asked rather worried in her tone.

“Nothing... I just thought I say something...” Kait responded with a sigh as her head turned back forward to walk with her parents.

“Like what?” Her aunt asked once more as more worried entered into her tone.

“Like a... Spirit though not...” The girl replied as she turned her head to look back at the graveyard, as there was a woman standing there. She was rather pale as ghostly as she was watching them leave.

Her aunt turned her head to look back at the graveyard to see nothing, but the stone walkway and the brick wall lining the path. She breathed a sigh of relief as she turned her head back forward. “It’s nothing, dear. Now let’s go back to the house.”

“Alright.” Kait sighed as the woman was still there, though she didn’t get why her aunt or anyone couldn’t see her. She turned her head back around as she walked slowly but surely towards home.


“There they are!” Nikk shouted as he pointed at the two monstrous beings, one looked like a misshapen beast with two jaws while the other looked like a large tree like beast which was floating slightly off the ground.

“Finally!” Lara said as she skidded to halt a few feet from the Daemonia. “Now we can do something!”

“Oh, yeah!” Windy shouted hyperly as she was tired of running and waiting. “Time to kick some Daemonia behind!”

“Enough talk!” Lara said as her tarot card appeared in front of her with part of a staff coming out of it. She briskly pulled on the staff and out of the card came a large scythe attached to the staff. “Let’s exterminate some Daemonia!” She shouted sprinting full on at the Daemonia.

“Here this should help!” Penelope shouted as she pointed her hand at the Daemonia and two magic circles appeared below them. “Please let this work!” She muttered to herself as out of the magic circles came chains and the started wrapping themselves around the Daemonia. “Yes!”

“Now take this!” Lara shouted as launched herself of the ground and with the scythe blade and sliced the beast op.en exposing its Diablos tarot card. With one brisk motion did the scythe blade pierce through that one card kill that Daemonia.

“My turn.” Nikk said as a blast of energy surrounded him and the out came a pair of dragon wing followed by a tail and horns. The lion head marks on his hands flashed as they suddenly became claws. He suddenly flew up in the air preparing for a dive at the second Daemonia.

“Time for me to help!” Windy shouted as her tarot card appeared in front of her as a blast from below the Daemonia left its Diablos Tarot exposed. It a matter of seconds Nikk dived at the card and slashed through it with his claws, killing the second Daemonia.

“That’s both of them!” Penelope shouted happily as her magic circles vanished.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Lara questioned as Penelope gave her a kind of confused look. “We still need to go help Musi and her team.”

“Oh, yeah.” Penelope responded slightly shrugging at that.

“Well lets go then.” Nikk said hovering slight by Lara trying to take her scythe, without her knowing it.

“Yes, and Nikk.” Lara said turning and facing Nikk, giving him a death glare. “Don’t take my scythe. Ever.” She easily and firmly said before starting in the direction of where Ms. Snowsbell had said the other Daemonia were.

“Well, you can’t blame me for trying!” Nikk sighed as he flew up and followed after Lara.

“Ohi! Wait up!” Windy shouted running after them with Penelope hot on her heels as they went.


“Come on, Lucy!” Musi shouted as she was trying to consentate on the blue rose vines that were currently tying up one of their Daemonia, who looked like some parts and pieces mermaid creature. “I can’t hold this one down forever!”

“Alright!” Lucy shouted in reply as she started to charge at the Daemonia, though suddenly stopped as a flurry of Light arrow pierced through the beast one striking its Diablos tarot causing it to die. “What the...”

“You were too slow.” Hoshi shouted as the crystals on her wrist had contracted from their bow like form.

In a matter of time another girl had launched herself into the air with a large double sided ax in her hand. “Now you’re done!” She shouted as a flurry of coins op.en.ed a wound to the Daemonia’s Diablos tarot, as she threw the ax over her head and it slashed through the card killing that Daemonia.

“Nice shot, Astrid!” Musi said with approve as she gave Astrid the thumbs up with it.

“Thanks, though Musi could you please just call me Opal.” The girl asked as she walked over to the rest of her team with the ax over her shoulder.

“Ok.” Musi said in reply. “Well, Nice shot, Opal.”

“Lucy.” Hoshi said rather sharply as she landed on the ground and walked over to the group. “What was wrong as you’re not usually like this.”

“Just an off day...” Lucy shrugged in reply to that.

“Alright, though now let’s go find Lara and her team!” Musi said happily as started to run in that direction as she came to a stop. “Lara!” She shouted as Lara and her team were coming right for them.

“So, I’m guess you guys finished your two.” Hoshi said as Nikk landed and Windy and Penelope came skidding to a stop.

“Yup.” Nikk said easily in reply. “You guys two?”

“Yup.” Hoshi easily replied as well.

“Can you guys here us?”

“Yeah, loud and very loud, Serna, Sarah, and Silvia.” Lara said in reply not really caring that it came out rather sharply. “What is it.”

“Another pair of Daemonia have appeared.”


“In the upper part of town.”


“Got it.” Hoshi said firmly as her gaze shifted over to Lara and her team. “Well sounds like we’ve got more trouble.”

“Yeah, so lets get going before they do anything too damaging.” Lara remarked as she was the first one the start in the Astralix directiono of the upper part of town.

“Agreed.” Hoshi muttered running after Lara as well.

“Wait up!” Lucy and Windy said at the same time as they ran after the two with the rest of the group behind them and Nikk flying above them.


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Prologue Part 3

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:40 pm

Kait slowly entered the house as her movement going upstairs was slowly going. She was terrible tired from the business of that day. The girl sluggishly made her way up the room and slowly walked into her room and closed the door behind her as vines quickly rushed towards her and grabbing her around the throat. She struggled as the vines literally picked her up off the ground and into the air. Her eyes widened as she looked at the beast, it was a tree like thing mixed together with some lionoid beast.

Her gaze widened as she looked at the creature gaging for air as something happ.en.ed. A tarot card appeared in front of her as a bright light blinded her. In one slash of a blade was she free from the choke hold on the her. Her eyes flashed as she the large blades in both her hands hummed as she dived at the creature slashing at it as it start to fall appear exposing two card inside. In on brisk motion did one of her swords slice through the cards as the beast roared in defeat before dying.

In a matter of second did the blades vanish and the outfit as well. Her gaze scanned around her room as her gaze landed on her twin sisters now death and bleeding on the floor of her bedroom. Her eyes widened in shock as she fell to her knees with a scream escaping her mouth easily. The screams went on as she sat there, not knowing what to do as she didn't even get what was going on. Then suddenly she was hit in the back of her head as everything started to go black, though she managed to hear one thing before she couldn't hear anything anymore.

"With a scream like that I would have thought she had or was dying."


Lara sighed as she stood in the window of the bedroom looking at the scene there, the room was ravaged and torn to pieces, the blood was starting to stain the carpeting of the floor as some of the moon' slight started to shine in on the room.

"Lara, you sure you should have knocked her out?" Penelope questioned from the ground, looking up at Lara as she asked that.

"Well, at that rate of screaming she would have become a Daemonia. So it was either that or knock her out." Lara easily defended herself.

"True, true." Nikk muttered hovering slightly in the air so he could see into the room, somewhat. "Well, we are going to have to take her back with us..."

Musi had managed to climb her way up towards the window at that and look inside, then quickly turning back to Nikk with a really-Nikk-really look on her face. "And leave the room looking like that?"

"There were the minor arcana cards come in." Nikk said rather easily, though more privileged that just a statement.

"You, major arcana, should really learn how to clean up your own messes..."

"Well, well. The Queen of the Courts." Lara said looking slightly upwards seeing one girl floating down from the clouds and landing gently on the roof above them. "Sorry, but Daemonia fighting is a dirty job."

"No, it isn't. Cleaning up after you people are." Said the girl as she easily walked down to the window and looking inside. "It's you people that make this job difficult..." She muttered flashing a look at most of them before easily waking into the room.

"We couldn't do it without you, Izzy." Musi said looking into the room after the girl went in.

"Of course, you couldn't. Or else this town would be smoking ruin..." Came softly from the room as a soft light came from the room for a second and quickly faded as Izzy came back out from the room. "There it's fixed, though I'm not doing the girls memory."

"We were planing on taking her with us anyway." Hoshi restated as she looked up at the group on the roof. "We should get going too as the headmistress is probably expecting us back, like ten minutes ago."

"Got it, Hoshi." Lara said stepping into the and picking up the unconscious girl and brought her back out and onto the roof top. "Opal, can you take her?" She questioned looking right at Opal.

"Why...?" Opal asked in response to that as she had never been asked to do something like that before. Her gaze looked up at Lara rather more curious and concerned than anything.

"Because I can't carry her all the way back to the school." Lara firmly stated as she managed to jump off the roof top and land on the ground below without falling over with her new payload. "So can you take her?"

"Ok." Opal replied as shock entered her eyes and Lara forcibly put the girl in her arms, even though she said yes.

"Alright, let's get back." Nikk said still hovering above all of them. "As we'll have some explaining to do to the headmistress."

Most of the others nodded as most of them started to follow Nikk back towards the school. A fair amount of them were catching up to Nikk, though Opal was in the back of the group. Her eyes fell on the girl she was now, forcibly, carrying back to the school with them. "Poor thing..." She muttered softly as she looked at the girl and then back ahead of her to catch up with the others and get back to the school.

The moonlight washed the streets and the treetops, racing through the trees of the forest, and darting past tree after tree. Until it eventually came to a stop in front of a cave, though light could be seen deep inside it. The light breeze ruffled into the caves entrance and down its rocky halls until it came to an were the light was from.

"Finally the Major and Minor Arcana are formed..." echoed off the walls of the cave, a deep calm voice though with its tones of dark intent. "The day has come my servants, now Cerebellum. Use the cunning and trickery divide them."

One white haired guy stepped forward from the shadows and somewhat into the light. "Yes, my lord." He said happily.

"You to, Reala." The voice echoed once more.

This time a red haired girl stepped forward from the same shadows. "As you wish, my lord." She said easily with no emotion in her tone.

"This time in the following days, the Elemental Tarot shall wither and die..." The voice echoed once more as a man stepped forward from the shadows in front of the other two. "And there shall be nothing that they can do to stop it..." He said with his deep voice as the same breeze rolled through the room extinguishing the lit candles there, plunging that same place into darkness as it was before.


Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Chapter 1

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:41 pm

The girl shuttered as her nightmare keep repeating in her head, her two sisters bodies mangled on the floor and she with the weapon dripping with their blood. Her eyes tightened sh.ut as her mind was racing with denial as she took a step back and something grabbed her by the ankle and turned her upside down. Her eyes op.en.ed sitting a monstrous thing had grabbed her this time. Nervous sweat started rolled down her face as tears started to form in her blue-green eyes.

“You were never like. You are nothing. You will never be anything.”

The girl’s eyes quickly sh.ut once more at the voice in the sound of her sisters voices. “No, no your wrong. I never did anything to make you mad at me. So why? Why?” The girl muttered from her hanging position as the vine that had grabbed her started to constrict and coil its why around the rest of her as the young girl struggled to breath.

“Why!?” The girl shouted as she launched herself out of the bed she was in, the cold sweat rolled down her face along with the tears stinging her cheeks. She looked around slightly confused on her new surroundings as it was a large room that looked like it was a part of some manor. The Victorian wallpaper and furniture gave that away mostly. Her blue irises franticly scanned the room, the last thing she remembered was being in her own room with… with that there. Briskly she turned to the window as she pulled aside her curtains, her eyes strained with the new addition of light. She blinked several times before her eyes would function once more as the window overlooked a small fountain and a direct view of another building in the same manner as the once she believed she was in, so it must be the other side of the same place she was in. Her eyes quivered as she took a step back from the window, her mind racing at the wonder of how she got here.

“So the girl finally wakes.”

The girl jumped almost about a foot at the sound of another voice, her head whipped around to see an older looking woman followed by another woman, not as old as the first. Behind those two she thought she could see other teens like herself, mostly girls though some boys were in the mix, was her guess mainly. “Who… are you… people?” the girl managed to say after a matter of time as her disbelief was eating away at her thoughts, setting her nerves on fire.

“I am Juniper Snowsbell, though only call me Ms. Snowsbell.” The older woman said briskly as her gaze was as hard as stone. The girl kind of shrank under the woman’s gaze as she said that.

“Ms. Snowsbell, your scaring the poor girl.” The other woman said stepping forward into the room. “I am Adelaide Alamoria, or Ms. Alamoria. Though please feel free to call me Adelaide, Ms. Nightengale.”
“How… how… how do you know my name?” The girl asked looking at the two women, her eyes filled with disbelief.

“That is a simple question, Ms. Kait Irene Nightengale.” Ms. Snowsbell said rather easily and with no emotion in her tone. “After the episode you had last night, we wanted to make sure we knew everything about you.”

“Las… Las… Lasss… Last Night?” The girl stuttered to say under all of the pressure she was in. “That… That… wasn’t a dream…?”

“Unfortunately, that wasn’t a dream, Ms. Nightengale.” Ms. Alamoria said rather more sad that her colleague had. “That was indeed real.”

“No… It… It can’t be…” The girl said her eyes looking downwards as the tears started to flow once more. “It can’t be real…” She muttered to herself.

“It can and is.” One of the girls from the hall said firmly as she walked into the room her eyes piercing into the new girl, who struggled under her gaze.

“Lara Night, were you easedroping on our conversation?” Ms. Snowsbell briskly asked with a little bit of anger in her tone as she questioned Lara.

“What did you think most of us were doing in the hallway? Playing poker?” Lara returned the question, trying as hard as she might to not be blunt though she couldn’t hide all of it. “Beside the fact, the girl needs to learn the truth the hard way.”

Kait slightly lifted her head slightly at that, tears still dripping from her eyes and rolling down her face. She didn’t understand one thing they were talking about, but she didn’t like the tone of it at all.

“Fine, Ms. Night. Ms. Nightengale shall be admitted here at the school so she can start learning as you say.” Ms. Snowsbell said rather easily as her tone changes as she continued on. “But when it comes time, she will be on your team.”

“What, my team!?” Lara remarked rather bluntly, not even trying to hide it at all. “Why on my team!?”

“Because you are the one that stepped forward.” Ms. Snowsbell said easily as she turned to leave the room. “Now the rest of you, to your rooms. There shall be no classes today.” She said firmly then leaving the room as briskly as she had came.

Lara’s eyes shot to the new girl once more, slight tints of fury buried in them. While the new girl’s eyes avoided Lara’s, not lifting themselves from the ground. “You better know what you are doing.” The girl stated firmly her eyes firmly on the new girl before she too left the room.

“Why… Why me…?” The girl muttered as she sat down on the edge of the bed she was once in. Her tears still pouring down her face and dripping onto the floor below, as the wind gently blew on of the windows op.en where the songs of the birds outside could easily be hear. Her hand gripped on her pants in subtle rage and sadness as the bottom glass panels of the window fell and shattered against the floor, scattering the pieces across the room. More of her tears fell and pooled on the piece of glass that had slide over by her. Through her crying something else reached her ear, one sound that she never thought she’d hear.

The sound of a child laughing, laughing at her pain.



Messages : 2144
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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Nightfall Illusion - Verge of Insanity - [PG-13} Empty Chapter 2

Post  CrimsonIzanagi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:41 pm

The daylight slowly trickled in through the windows of that vast empty room leaving the one girl alone in there. The tears had stung her eyes and rolled down her warm cheeks as she just sat there on that bed. She was trying to stop her tears but it wasn't working at all.

The girl's cries could be hear through the door, as Nikk looked at Lara somewhat questionably. "Lara, are you sure that was the right thing to say to her. She has just lost everything." He said as the sounds of sobbing was starting to kind of get to him through the door.

"Why should I pity her?" Lara said looking at Nikk, and the look in her eye showed that she meant every word of it. "Besides if no one is going to tell her the plain cold hard truth, then I will." She said easily dropping the conversation at that.

Windy, who was starting to get somewhat annoyed by the fighting going on or so it seemed to her at least, was the one to speak up next. "Ok, ok. But shouldn't we at least help her get use to live around her?" She suggested putting the idea forward.

"Windy, if she can't learn it for herself then she doesn't deserve to be on our team." Lara replied easily as she started down the hallway, as Musi was watching from down the hall. The girl, quickly walked down the hair past Musi, her hair whipping around behind her. Musi quickly turned to follow her friend with a slightly look on her face.

"What was that about?" Penelope asked looking at Nikk, who only just shrugged showing he didn't know what it was about either. "Well... I guess we should head back to the dorms then..." She muttered as Windy had already left then in the middle of the conversation after she had spoken up. The two of them slowly walked off after that.

The girl in the room had stopped sobbing as she was listening to their conversation. "Get use to here... Yeah right... I could I even get use to what I have done..." She muttered to herself as the tears started to fall once more. Her cheeks a rosy red as she was dwelling in her pain, though she jumped were she was as a sound came from the door. Her eyes quickly darted to the door as she didn't know who it was now.

"Well, you should have been through a lot today, mate." came from the girl who had just walked into the room, the door behind her. She was carrying a few books, though the Australian accent was easily present. "Here you'll need these to get use to life here and get to know about what we do."

"Thank... you..." Kait said as she still sat on the bed, looking downwards and seeing the glass on the floor. she wished it wasn't like that as everyone else would probably think she broke it.

"Oh, thats a simple thing." The girl said after she put the books down next to Kait, a smile easily showing on her face as with a shake of her wrist did a yellow glow form around the pieces of glass. Then in a matter of seconds the glass had moved back to were it was on the window before it had broken. She turned back to Kait with a smile as all the glass stayed in that window pane after that. "One thing that no one in the major Arcana can do. Oh, sorry mate. I forget to introduce myself. I'm Izabella Shimmer, though you can just call me Izzy."

"Nice to meet you... Izzy... I'm..." The girl still sitting on the bed started to say.

"Oh, mate. Everyone on campus already knows who you are." Izzy said easily at that. She smiled at least though. "Anyways, I'd suggest that you read up on that stuff..."

"Will I ever be accepted here?" Kait suddenly asked, slightly catching Izzy off guard. "As I... I... I killed m own..."

"You're taken that the wrong way, mate." Izzy said as she had started to leave the room, though she looked back with a subtle smile. "This isn't a normal school... This is a school for the broken, a school for the dark, a school for those who are different. I'm sure you'll fit in eventually, mate." She said as she op.en.ed the door and left, leaving the girl alone once more.

Kait smiled, at least someone was friendly around here. Her eyes fell on the books Izzy had brought as she op.en.ed one of them and started reading. It was somewhat interesting to her, though she had only made it in a few pages as music started playing through the intercom. The girl looked upwards confused by it, that was until the doors slam.ed open showing one Lara at the doors still in the hallway. The next few words was what sent slight chills down Kait's spine.

"Well the time has come. You better know what you're doing and follow me."



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Data de inscrição : 2014-03-03

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