~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:41 pm

~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  2mp0b5c


Osaka, Japan, 3035

All magic is outlawed. SCAN is the one who makes sure there is not one drop of magic left in the city

And so far, they have been successful.

But there are a select few who are still alive.

Only one of these people have been identified

Amelia Icuria

Bring her in dead, bring her in alive. There is no matter.

Many civilians know her name, whether you run and hide or try to befriend her is up to you.

Though it will decide if you live or die.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:42 pm

Chapter 1
No one to trust but yourself

I watched from the rooftop of a building, and Osaka seemed to be at peace.

At least, that's what the want you to think.

I closed my eyes, knowing I was being watched. SCAN was after me. I, Amelia Icuria, angel, Public Enemy 1.

"Amelia!" A voice rang out. Anatee. My only friend, a rebel human. I turned to her, panic stricken on her face.

"I found someone...she seems hurt...and she was a fairy" She panted. My eyes widened. It was my duty to protect the magical from SCAN, and I needed to act fast. "Anatee, stay here, I'll be right back." I said as I unfurled my wings. "She's by West Street, good luck..." Anatee said as I took off.

As I soared, Osaka glistened with the lights of people. To think such a beautiful city could be so evil at it's heart, it was unimaginable. But that isn't saying much, as I am already living the unimaginable. An angel, normally a serene creature of protection, soaring through a corrupted city with a gun on her belt. I sure am protection, just not exactly serene. Scars and bruises isn't exactly pure.

As I landed toward near West Street, I heard the sound of gunfire and a shout, not to mention the blinding lights of Navy Blue SCAN cars. I was too late.

Or was I?


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:43 pm

Chapter 2
Trust only what you see

I still dashed over, and the person being attacked, a obvious fairy, had barely dodged the shot.

As silent I remained, looking for a opening, a SCAN officer turned to face me.

"Looks like we found her boys." He said, he tone low, very sinister.

The man pulled out a gun. I darted to the air. His gun already loaded, he started to fire on me airborne.

I barely dodged the shots, though one cut straight through me right wing. As I fell, it looked like my end. Though, looks can be deceiving. On my belt was still a pistol, loaded with seven bullets, I struggled to grab it from my position. "Looks like angel got her wings clipped." My purser sneered. "Never be too sure." I said, letting out a shot with a BOOM! that shattered the almost silent air. What followed was the man hitting the ground with a satisfiying Thud. I stood up and dusted myself off. "Anyone else want to try? I got six more bullets left." I said, and as if on cue, the men scattered. Cowards. I turned to the victim, outstretching my hand. She took it, and muttered. "Are you...Amelia Icuria?" her voice soft and serene. "Yes, and would you mind telling me your name?" I asked. "Lurceria Allgood." She said, nodding. Her wounds didn't seem to serious, so that made me feel a heck of a lot better. "I think you should come with me." I said, before we left, I checked the officer's badge

Alexander Lexer

Sorry Alex, you messed with the wrong gal.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:44 pm

Chapter 3
More Misfits to band

Anatee was treated my wing wound while Lucirea cleaned herself off in the shower. Anatee's home was our safehouse, because no one would suspect. I couldn't fly for the next few days, but I still had to try to carry out my duties. Once Anatee finished bandaging my wings, I got up and started to head out.

"Wait, where are you going?" Anatee said, a worried look in her face and in her tone.

"There are people out there who have bigger problems than a damaged wing." I said, emotionless "Make sure Lucirea is alright, okay?" I told her, and as soon as she nodded, I was off.

The sun was peaking above the horizon as I leaped out of Anatee's apartment window and landed feet-first in a alley. The less time I spent here, the better.

It was harder to look and easier to be seen on the ground. I walked with extreme caution. Even the most innocent person could be a enemy.

After seemingly searching for hours, I thought about heading back for the day. Of course until I heard...

"William! Were going to die out here unless we do something! Can't you see that!? We need to find her!"

By the sound of 'death' and 'out here', I was thinking the 'her' was me. I walked over, only too see two people, maybe along the line of vampire, one of which, a girl, that was one that caught my eye, and another, possibly her brother, who was keeping a straight face. Both of them looked like they have had a rough time. I folded my wings into my shirt and approached them.

"You two need some help?" I said.

The female turned to look at me, and her face lit up. The male chuckled slightly and said. "See Lara? Good things come to those who wait." The girl gave him a stare.

"What he means is, yes. We've been surviving on bare minimum ever since the law was passed, we need to find a safe house, or SOMETHING!" the girl said. "I'm Lara, and this is my brother William." Lara gestured to the man.

William just nodded.

"If your looking for a safehouse, follow me." I told them with a smile, gesturing them to follow.

As we walked in, Anatee was passed out on the couch while Lucirea was attempting, I cannot put more stress on attempting, to make some stew.

"Hey, Amelia! I made dinner!" She said, smiling.

"Dinner!? Who said dinner!?" Exclaimed Anatee, who had risen from her nap. "Oh, I see you've found some more people. Good job for not being able to fly."

I smiled, and grabbed a bowl of stew. Even for a first time, it was pretty good! Even though we were having dinner at 5:30 in the morning, this was probably the most normal thing I had done in a long time.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:45 pm

Chapter 4
Turn the Tide

It was a bitterly cold morning, I stretched awake, and looked at the time. 7:00 in the morning. I had only slept for a hour! I saw a nap in my future. As I went into the main room, Anatee was nowhere to be seen, I looked at Luciera, who was examining a recipe for blueberry muffins, and asked "Where's Anatee?"

"Beats me, she left the house in a hurry, said she needed to run some errands." Luciera said shrugging. I just noticed that Lara was sitting on the couch, drinking some coffee. "There was a suspicous air around her, Amelia. I don't think we should stay here much longer." Lara said to me in a cautious manner. "Don't be *****, Lara." I said. "We can trust Anatee. She's a friend." I said. "Yeah, right." Lara replied, a bit cold.

As my wings was healed enough for flight at this point, I went for another patrol. The city seemed peaceful, far, far to peaceful, I landed on a rooftop and looked around. There was a school girl on her way to school, Memory chip dangling around her neck. Wait, I never told you about those. Might want to do so now.

Memory Chips are what Japan's government use to track citizens so if there suspected for a crime, they check there Memory Chip to be sure. The record every memory you have, even Lucid Dreams sometimes. Survivors and the rebelling humans don't have one, so we can't be tracked.

Back to our story, business seemed to be going to smoothly. No SCAN officers, no people hiding for there lives in alleyways. It was almost like it was back before this chaos-havocing law was repealed, or never passed in the first place. I was about to head back when I felt somethingg against my head and a low, male voice say "Don't move a muscle. We've gotcha know, Amelia Icuria."


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:45 pm

Chapter 5: True Motives - Given it's own color in honor of it's guest author, Windyfairy23!

Amelia thought she could faint at any moment. She felt her eyes go heavy. But, guess who had to crash on the couch?

She somewhat regained some of her energy when she smelt pasta in the air. Before she could taste it, she heard a scream for help outdoors and a gunshot.

She dashed outside without seeing Lara standing outside of the house in the shadows. The girl's eyes were seen before she took off.

Tears were seen pouring out of siblings Esther and Brandon as a gun was being pointed to Brandon's forehead. Amelia was reminded of what hap-pen-ed earlier.

'We got you now, Amelia Icuria.' The man smirked, the gun right there, pointing towards her head.

Amelia growled but, then smiled. "But, can you fly!?" She screamed flying at about 70 mph *Miles per hour* dodging every bullet shot at her. The man fumbled with the gun.

She covered herself with her wings before spinning and charging towards the man.

She hit him with tons of force, the gun was knocked out of his hand. Amelia grabbed the revolver and shot him almost 5 times, before she began to choke him.

"S-s-sorr…" He muttered before going limp.

Amelia rolled her eyes and threw the body to the wall before leaving.'

A leg was suddenly kicked as the gun came out of the man's hand, letting Esther and Brandon free to go, running quickly to hide.

Anatee woke up to her phone "Hello?" She asked, still sleepy.

"Agent Takaramono. Icuria is in sight. Kill her at once."

The sleepy face turned into a sly smirk.

"Roger~" She said before turning off the phone, getting her katana before leaving the house.

Amelia regained her breath as she knocked out the guy with a series of kicks and punches.
She smiled to herself, she hasn't died, yet, and she wasn't going to-

"Sayonawa, Amelia Icuria."

Anatee Takaramono!?


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:47 pm

Chapter 6

"Anatee!? What's going on!?" I said, still stumbling from the last fight. Anatee didn't seem like herself. She had her two katanas by her side and a evil smile. Seemed like my life turned into a horror movie or something.

Not like this is surprising or anything.

"Sorry to say this, friend, but your time is up." Anatee growled, before lunging at me with both katanas. I tried to fly, but I was still injured., so I took the hit. Blood was rushing from body, and my vision became blurry.

"Dan.m it...Anatee..." I grumbled, as I tried to grasp my Bullet Blade.

Once I could grasp it, I knew what I had to do


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:47 pm

Chapter 7

I stuck the Bullet Blade to Anatee's Chest. Tears stung my eyes I gasped my final words to my former friend.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, Anatee, but I have more things to worry about. Like the survival of the ones I was sent to protect."

At that very moment, my hand, still slick with blood, fired the triggred of the Bullet Blade, as Anatee's eyes went blank. A smile formed on her face as she mouthed the words "Sayanawa" before finally closing her eyes.

I dropped the Blade. I killed her. I just didn't kill a normal SCAN agent, I killed Anatee Takamoro, my friend. I fell to my knees and let out all the tears I had held back the whole time I had been here. I didn't even have a second thought about it, they just flowed. Soon sleep overcame me and I laid right there, so it looked like both of us were dead. Because inside, I was dead.

I woke up to William, Lucirea, and a new girl looking over me. William's face looked stained with tears, and Lucy just at the point of crying. They must have saved me. William practically tackled me.

"Your alright!" He said, starting to cry again. It was like he was my boyfriend or something like that. "Course she's alright, she's still the chick who puts a beatdown on SCAN for for a living." Lara told him, walking in the room. "Your really Amelia Icuria...?" The newest girl said, her eyes filled with wonder. Still weak, I nodded my head.

"You saved...me and Brandon..." She said, getting tearful. Now I remembered, this was Esther, and I saved there bacon before Anatee showed up. Now I had to tell them.

"Guys...you know how Anatee was passed out when you came and got me?" I said, my voice soft.

"Yeah, what about it?" Lucy said, her expression showed that she knew what followed.

"She was dead. I...I killed her."


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]  Empty Re: ~★Fallen Angel ★~ [PG-13]

Post  Micromeichi Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:48 pm

Chapter 8


Everyone looked at me, astonished. They all knew quite well that I was the one closest to Anatee, so not exactly the one to kill her.

"She was SCAN agent all along. Who knows what will happen now..." I muttered, setting my head back on the pillow again.

"But...that's not..." Lucy was confused, at the point where she could barely speak.

"I should have known! She would have been dead becuase of ME, and we'd be fine!" Lara huffed, and it seemed obvious that she had felt that the whole fiasco was her fault.

"They probably know everything about us...we need to get out of here!" Lucy exclaimed, her confusion quickly turning to panic.

"No! We can't leave! Amelia can barely stand, let along walk or fly! Besides, this is the only place that doesn't have SCAN agents will be all over us!" William snapped, standing in my place. Soon everyone was arguing about whether to leave or not, everyone was on end. The tension they had held all this time was finally being let out at each other. I was too weak to tell them to stop

"Check this out guys!" Esther called out, carrying papers in her hand.

Everyone stopped arguing long enough to see what Esther had. Turns out, it was the SCAN files about every last one of us, excluding Brandon and Esther, our location, and even our weapons. All due in days before Anatee's death.

She never turned them in. Whether on purpose or not, Anatee had saved us our lives. Tears welled up in my eyes. I still couldn't believe I killed her.

"Either way, were safe...for now." Lara said, examining them one last time

And that's all they needed.



Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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