Jo's Storage!

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Jo's Storage! Empty Jo's Storage!

Mensaje  Joseyposey Sáb Jul 19, 2014 7:19 pm

Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs
We wanna be there even if we had to twist the world all around to get there

Without you, I guess I couldn't even find my future here today
Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs

Hullo! This is just my little storage area here. Feel free to look around, but please don't steal anything from here. I've worked hard on this stuff.
I'll probably be storing all different kinds of stuff here in the future, but for now it'll be mostly RP forms and OCs. 
Also, please don't post in here. I'm trying to keep this nice and clean so that everything doesn't get messy and disorderly. That's what this section is for, yes? If you want to ask me about anything, PM me.
But with that all done and said, feel free to look around! I don't mind.

Última edición por Joseyposey el Vie Jul 25, 2014 2:03 am, editado 4 veces


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 23/02/2014

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Jo's Storage! Empty Re: Jo's Storage!

Mensaje  Joseyposey Dom Jul 20, 2014 9:22 pm

Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs
I was trying to take nothing for granted

For the day I might lose them

But you just came in to my black and white monochrome destiny

And colored it all over
Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs

These are the RP forms. They may be edited based on the RP, but these are the basic forms. Unless I decide to edit them. But that's something else.

No RP forms right now! Come back next time!

Última edición por Joseyposey el Lun Jul 21, 2014 12:00 am, editado 2 veces


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 23/02/2014

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Jo's Storage! Empty Re: Jo's Storage!

Mensaje  Joseyposey Dom Jul 20, 2014 9:29 pm

Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs
We won't be satisfied with the routine future

We were born to make a new history come true

There's no absolute thing in this world

This road goes on forever

As long as we don't give up
Jo's Storage! 230187lgegqqomjs

OCs! Yay! (:
The pictures used in these forms are not mine. I pulled them off the internet. So credit goes to those owners.
In the future(more like once I become a decent artist) I will replace these pictures with my own drawings. But until then, these pictures are just here for you to get an idea on what they look like.

Original OCs

Última edición por Joseyposey el Lun Jul 21, 2014 2:53 am, editado 1 vez


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 23/02/2014

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Jo's Storage! Empty Unican OCs- WIP!

Mensaje  Joseyposey Lun Jul 21, 2014 12:36 am

Note: I need help on coming up with good last names for this group. If you have any ideas, please PM me! I don't want to stay with these crappy names much longer.

Jo's Storage! XTTkzss

Jo's Storage! 320-gold-divider-1-1
I am a dying star.

As long as I shine, shadows lurk at the edges of my light.

Each day, I sink further into darkness.

I cannot be saved, for I am a dying star.
Jo's Storage! 320-gold-divider-1-1

 Name: Ann Starre
 Nickname(s): None.
 Age: 16
 Gender: Female
 Race: Unici
 Date of Birth:
 Place of Origin:
 Sexuality: Straight.
 Powers: Affinity of stars.
 Family: None.
 Friends: Silena Rain, Caraline Magic, Natalie Past, Eve Lotus.
 Theme Song:

Jo's Storage! Anime-girl-with-black-hair-and-blue-eyes-5

Jo's Storage! 1%20LOGO%202011%20silver%20divider
Not even the rain can cleanse me

I've committed sins that cannot be forgiven.

Even if I do this for the sake of what is good,

Not even the rain can cleanse me.
Jo's Storage! 1%20LOGO%202011%20silver%20divider

Name: Silena Rain
Nickname(s): Sil
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Unici
Date of Birth:
Place of Origin:
Sexuality: Straight
Powers: Affinity of rain
Friends: Ann Starre, Caraline Magic, Natalie Past, Eve Lotus.
Theme Song:

Jo's Storage! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqmWbM7et9B7qJ0qgkJjIt-6wFFBT8K0OARJiNUsrQ_tPvG2lVfw

Jo's Storage! Bronze-scroll-divider
Even if I fall, I'll get back on my feet again.

And if I can't, my friends pick me back up.

Some say magic doesn't exist, but I'll keep searching for it.

And if I fall while looking, I'll get back up again.
Jo's Storage! Bronze-scroll-divider

Date of Birth:
Place of Origin:
Theme Song:

Jo's Storage! 2Q==
Jo's Storage! Cross-divider+black
Even in the worst of times, I'll strive on,

Because there is always some hope in the future.

Nothing will become better if you give up,

So I will continue to strive on.
Jo's Storage! Cross-divider+black


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 23/02/2014

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Jo's Storage! Empty Re: Jo's Storage!

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