1x1 with Sash; Done!

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1x1 with Sash; Done! - Page 2 Empty [1]

Post  Semicolon; Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:38 pm


"Oh Lady Macbeth, how cruel of you. Your greed 'tis larger than that of your spouse." Lady Jade Evanstons said quietly to the leather bound pages in her lap. Uncle Jonathan had left for a meeting at the town hall about ten minutes prior, leaving the petite girl alone in the manor with only the company of her loyal maid, whom had been with her since she was but a babe. "Such a meeting 'tis not fit for a lady." Her uncle had said before leaving, not giving her a chance to argue. Having nothing left to do, she grabbed her copy of Macbeth she had gotten for Christmas, and went to the garden to read.


Messages : 2194
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-26

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1x1 with Sash; Done! - Page 2 Empty Re: 1x1 with Sash; Done!

Post  Lovelly_girl Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:28 am


Ruby Grave was having a small, peceful nap when her mother, Mrs. Stiffany ‘Grande’ Grave, also known as Mrs.Grande Grave, entered Ruby’s bedroom without a single knock. Ruby opened her eyes when she heard he rmother barge in without any notice. “Anything wrong?” Ruby asked, shuffling herself out of bed. “Goodness gracious, you don’t know what’s wrong?” her mother, being her usual exagerated self, said.  Ruby shook her head, her brown hair messy. “There’s a meeting in the town hall. I can’t go because I’m baking pire,”her mother said, making Ruby’s bed for the coming night, which was several hours later. “So?”Ruby asked, sitting on a chair. Her mother shook her head. “For the love of mercy, child, get out of the house and attend the meeting..” her mother said with  short sigh. Ruby didn’t have a father, so she used to go out on such events. “Me?”Ruby asked with a small yawn. “Yes you. On with it. Get dressed and move,”her mother said before walking out of the room, slamming the door a little too hard.
In a few minutes, Ruby had brushed her teeth and taken a small shower, taken care of her ever so messy her by pulling it into a bun, and put on a cotton gown. She looked at herself in the elizibethan mirror, frowning when she didn’t look good in the dress. But It’d have to do, or her mom would come running back upstairs to know what’s taking so long.
Ruby walked out of the house, not bothering to wish her mother good-bye. She walked out on the streets, looking into every empty alley she crossed. There were blood stains, here and there, and the sight of those made her blood freeze. She alked faster towards the townhall, and sighed in relief when she was finally there. She was totally fagged off by the those blood stains she saw not so very long ago.


(I don’t know how to bring David up, but I’ll post his role after you make Macbeth come out in the open so David can see her or something)


Messages : 7274
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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1x1 with Sash; Done! - Page 2 Empty {2}

Post  Semicolon; Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:37 pm

lady jade evenstons
• • • • •
seventeen} {human} {david green
Sadly, the auburn haired lady became incredibly bored from the Shakespeare play, her attention being drawn away every few minutes or so. An insect would crawl close to her, and she would move as close to it as she dared. And when a bird landed on the branch above her, she would stand up, on tip toe, to try and get closer to the small creature, but being a petite girl, she would only get a foot closer, leaving it still two feet higher than her, just out of her reach when she lifts her arms. One of the many disadvantages of being a short female, especially one of her fragile body type. Because her mind wandered too much, she decided to take her book inside, in fear of it getting ruined in some way. "Anna-Maria, could you prepare a few snacks? I'm in the mood for something sweet, possibly a cake?" Jade said to her maid as they walked back to the home from their spot in the garden. It didn't take long for them to get there, despite the size of the garden, and the maze they had to navigate through. Within five minutes, the Lady was in her room, sitting on the chair in the room as she waited for the food to be brought to her room.

sir jeremiah warwick
• • • • •
seventeen} {vampire} {ruby grave

{{I'm going to post for Jeremiah, after Ruby has been in the meeting for a post.


Messages : 2194
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-26

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1x1 with Sash; Done! - Page 2 Empty Re: 1x1 with Sash; Done!

Post  Semicolon; Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:25 pm



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Data de inscrição : 2014-02-26

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