ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  khlover22 Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:19 am

ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Ao_haru_ride__aoharaido__gif_by_megableachy-d61wvfy

Have you ever wonder what it's like to meet someone in the past and you fell in love with them for the first time? But, suddenly something happened and in the end, you didn't get to be with that person once again... You couldn't forget about who that person was because he was the one who left you.

A year has passed and out of nowhere, you suddenly met that person once again. Just seeing him makes your heart flutter that you can't believe that you still love him. But, the thing is will he get back together with you or will he move on and fall in love with someone else?

In this rp, you're in a basic high school making new friends and old friends. Usually there's a lot of drama going on and that's mostly with the romance that has been going on around this school. Will you meet the person you will fall in love with the future, or will you fall in love with someone else... or maybe that person will?

ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Yoshioka_futaba__mabuchi_kou__ao_haru_ride_gif_by_notmi-d5fv0i7



Last edited by kristaju on Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:40 pm; edited 2 times in total


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  khlover22 Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:21 am

ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Nekomiau_41e53274cda8d707a73f5bfd1e757628
ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Qokipops.regular
Age: 15
Miya grew up with her parents always busy with work. So she's basically home alone most of the time at her house. She's never really that close with her parents and most of the house work she does on her own. Most of the class knows who she is because she is nice and sweet to girls but aggressive to guys because she proves that she hate them before in middle school.

Miya's personality is different then what people expected. Don't suspect a glasses girl to be shy and cute, she's actually aggressive and stubborn to people, but that mostly happen to guys. She never really like guys that much. But, she can be different around her friends.

Crush: Mako Tachibana

Mako used to be Miya's first love and it still Miya is in love with Mako. She doesn't prove it to him but, deep inside all she wanted was to see the old Mako she used to fall in love with in middle school.

ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу 10592843_676920225715655_3526671263341440051_n
ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Kalam.bold
Age: 15
Mako had a lot of stuff going on in the past. With his mother passed away and his dad and older brother are the only ones left in the family. Mako shuts himself out from the family a long time ago. His last name used to be "Tanaka" but since his parents were divorced since when he was in middle school, Mako changed his last name to "Tachibana".

Mako's personality in middle school used to be happy and outgoing. Most of the kids like him and he was always laughing with his friends. Since high school came, Mako's personality has became mysterious and cool. Most of the girls and guys see him as a cool guy. Someone who doesn't talk much with people and think that outgoing people can be annoying.

Crush: Miya Takashima

Miya was Mako's first love and doesn't even know if he still loves her. He doesn't admit it but, deep inside he is still in love with her. Mako wants Miya to see him who he really is now than the person he was before. He's not sure if Miya is still in love with him but, all he knows that he still loves her no matter what.

Last edited by kristaju on Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:52 am; edited 1 time in total


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Amu Hinamori /Irie N.

Post  Starla_Tiffany Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:48 am

ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Itazura-na-kiss


ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Itazura-na-Kiss-itazura-na-kiss-29059648-500-255
Name: Amu Hinamori
Age: 18
Amu lived by herself in an apartment ever since she turned eighteen. But when she became poor, Irie's family will offer her a home and she'll stay with them. For the next two years, she tried to win Irie's affections by studying hard to get into Class A while working up the courage to confess her feelings.
Personality: Amu is a absent-minded, cheerful, romantic, and emotional girl. She is very clumsy but very determined and driven.
ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу 5041958_orig
Crush: Irie N.
Irie's cold to most people. He is good at sports such as running and tennis. He is the number 1 student in his high school and the number 1 genius in Japan. Because Irie's so intelligent, he has no hopes or dreams because anything would be easy for him to do or accomplish, but later, because of Amu encouragement and advice, he decides to become a doctor. Though he doesn't always express his emotions, he is very protective and caring of Amu.


Messages : 7595
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-02

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  khlover22 Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:53 am

Starla_Tiffany wrote:ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Itazura-na-kiss


ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Itazura-na-Kiss-itazura-na-kiss-29059648-500-255
Name: Amu Hinamori
Age: 18
Amu lived by herself in an apartment ever since she turned eighteen. But when she became poor, Irie's family will offer her a home and she'll stay with them. For the next two years, she tried to win Irie's affections by studying hard to get into Class A while working up the courage to confess her feelings.
Personality: Amu is a absent-minded, cheerful, romantic, and emotional girl. She is very clumsy but very determined and driven.
ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу 5041958_orig
Crush: Irie N.
Irie's cold to most people. He is good at sports such as running and tennis. He is the number 1 student in his high school and the number 1 genius in Japan. Because Irie's so intelligent, he has no hopes or dreams because anything would be easy for him to do or accomplish, but later, because of Amu encouragement and advice, he decides to become a doctor. Though he doesn't always express his emotions, he is very protective and caring of Amu.
You're in and I see that Himamori Amu hehe


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  Starla_Tiffany Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:04 am

(Hehe, I love the spelling of it so I just thought of using it XD! Let's start! Very Happy )


Messages : 7595
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-02

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  khlover22 Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:10 am


It was a normal day at Samewaka high school. (Kind of forgot the name of the high school they were at. Oh well~) It has been a year since junior high has passed. Now everyone is at high school and this is where the path start to slowly separate with people.

Miya was sitting at her desk with her best friend Amu. Miya sighed and laid her head on to desk. "Amu-chan, I just want this class to end..." Miya groaned from the boredness in the classroom.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  Starla_Tiffany Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:15 am

"Me too...I feel so sleepy in here.." Amu said, with a sigh.

Mako's classroom was next door to both Amu and Miya's class.

(Be right back for 30 minutes! Wink I promise I'd be back Smile )


Messages : 7595
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-02

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  khlover22 Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:18 am


Once the teacher finished the lecture the bell rung. "Alright!" Miya said as she beamed up from her chair. "It's lunch time! Amu-chan let's go before all the bread runs out!" Miya quickly grabbed on Amu's wrist and she quickly ran to bread store while dragging Amu with her.

Irie heard the bell rung and got up from his chair. He walked over to Mako who notice he was just gazing into space. "Mako," Irie said as he waved his hand in front of Mako how many times. "You ready to go?"


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу Empty Re: ღ Ao Haru Ride ღ | 1x1 with ѕтαяℓα_т郃αηу

Post  Starla_Tiffany Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:47 am

(I'm back! Very Happy)

Amu giggled before following her best friend Miya. "I'm coming!" she said. Earlier, she had been dazing off on how she'll confess her love for Irie since it was Valentine's Day.

"Oh yeah..sorry.." Mako apologized, for dazing off over some girl.


Messages : 7595
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-02

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