Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs

Post  Musa_Eyre Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:18 pm

Me being random. Very Happy Shows in the one shots will vary (hope that's okay?) Most (or all) will be songfics.


1. Winx Club AU - Burning Bridges

(Song by One Republic, & I got a theory this is what Musa & Riven's relationship is like. AU because it realy didn't happen, & there was a twist in the story! Sort of.)


You & I were meant to be
Ain't no doubt about it
No need to hide that sort of thing
Now aim for something better
Ain't nothing better worth imagining

I looked into to her eyes. Her dark blue eyes stared back into mine. I could almost sense my violet pupils trembling.

But I, I keep on running
I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted
Look for my heart
You stole it away
Now on every single road that I could take, listen

My gaze shifted & I looked away. Hers fell to the ground. My knuckles cracked as I balled my fists.

I want you to burn my bridges down (down), I said
I want you to burn my bridges down (down, down)
Set me on Fire!
You set me
Set me on Fire!
You can burn my bridges down

"Hey." I cracked the awkward silence.

She flinched from the sudden noise & avoided my gaze even though her head tilted at me.


Send this out to sea
Send it where you wanted
You can take your note for note and not at all
There’s no filling up your spaces with fictionary places
Imaginary faces, they don’t work at all

I open my mouth to speak, but the flashbacks of our relationship hit me like a bullet train.

"What is it?" she asked again.

I, I keep on running
I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted
Look for my heart
You stole it away
Now on every single road that I could take, listen

Guilt creeped over me. I ignored her because I wanted to beat Sky.

"Look, I know... I should be protecting you, as a Specialist, & your boyfriend. But.." My tongue failed to speak the truth anymore.

I want you to burn my bridges down (down), I said
I want you to burn my bridges down (down, down)
Set me on Fire!
You set me
Set me on Fire!
Will you burn my bridges down

I want you to burn my bridges down (down)
I want you to burn my bridges down, yeah

Set me on Fire!
You set me
Set me on Fire!
Set me on fire
I want you to burn my bridges down (down), I said
I want you to burn my bridges down (down, down)
Set me on fire
Set me on fire

"I know. We were clearly not meant to be..." My eyes snapped up as I looked at her. Those blue orbs pierced through me.

"Goodbye, Musa." I lament.

She noded, forced a smile, turned & crossed the rickety bridge behind her. It will be the last I say her name.

I turned & went on my way, not before feeling the burning sensation on my back before it faded off slowly. I look back at her, but she walked.


Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Spices in Life

Post  Musa_Eyre Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:31 pm

Something random... Smile


"Stella. Are you sure?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Bloom. I've decided." she answered eagerly.

"Okay. Fine." I flung her my apron & ladle, which she barely caught.

I wrote her the recipe, even though I knew she was going to add her own twist towards it.

"Have fun." I muttered, before leaving the room.


"Well, Stella. I'm surprised the colour came out correctly." I said as I eyed the curry in front of me. Brownish-green, which was good, I guess.

"I'm telling you, I followed the recipe!" Stella insisted.

"Okay!" I said, raising my hand in defeat.

"Try it!" Stella urged.

I gulped, spooned a bit of the curry & ate it.

"HOT!!!" I squealed.

"Oops. Did I add too much chilli padi (green chilli)?"


Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Contents!

Post  Musa_Eyre Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:52 pm

Last edited by Musa_Eyre on Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:53 am; edited 4 times in total


Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Preternatural Conversation

Post  Musa_Eyre Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:40 pm

A bit of Musa & Riven. Sorry.... It's just that this is actually based on a conversation I had. & this is how it turned out. Yeah, my life is like Musa & Riven's relationship. problem AU. They're just friends here, but Riven likes/loves her.


"I'm still mad at you, you know."

I stared at that message in front of me, my eyebrows twitching. My hand shook as it fluttered on the keyboard.

"Yeah. I'm asking for a solution then."

Okay, so it was my fault I had ignored him. It's just that when a person close to me starts acting too... passionate... I stay away & ignore them.

"What do you want. Mad "

I raised an eyebrow.


"Then go do something. Mad" What the heck? What's his problem now??

"Well, if you're that mad, why don't you suggest a way for me to apologize?"

"I don't want an apology" Okay. So now what do I do?

"Okay, then how can I help the situation?"

"Just don't waste my time if you don't have any Mad " My eyes widened at his angry response. My heart broke to see such a heart wrenching reply. My hands shook even more as I thought of a reply.

"Very well." My weak response came. My brain was too shocked to function properly.

"Do you know how much I love you?" That fast reply made my heart skip a beat. He had confessed, but I see him as a friend only.

"100%. Cause I really do love you. And you keep saying only be friends" My head spun. This was too much to take in. Too extreme.

"Because that's honestly how I feel about you." Came my straightforward answer.

"I get jealous easily seeing you with other boys" Oh god.

"What, even with Helia & Nabu?"


I bit my lip. I couldn't love Riven more than a friend. But he just doesn't get it.

"I can only love you as a friend. I'm sorry."

He gave me a rolling eye emoji. "Then go write music or something"

I slapped my hand onto my face. This guy... really irritates me sometimes! My heart turned cold, & I gave the coldest response I could to his harsh messages.

"Very well."



Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Re: Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs

Post  Kate_10 Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:01 am

luuuuv this topic! moi is deffo gonna watch!! <3


Messages : 2551
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-26

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Re: Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs

Post  Musa_Eyre Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:59 am

Hahaha, thankies! Although I will post random stories every now & then. Very Happy


Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Re: Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs

Post  Kate_10 Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:10 pm

yes!! random is fine!! Cool Cool


Messages : 2551
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-26

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty You'll be in My Heart

Post  Musa_Eyre Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:02 am

Something random again! So... Uh... Ever After High AU... I honestly prefer Alternate Universes than sticking to the actual stories, to be really honest.  Very Happy  Cerise & Daring (Darise), because I ship it.

"You'll be in My Heart" by Phil Collins.

He had seen her somewhere before. Her dark brown hair with white streaks in it - very familiar. The smell of roses & cherries - also very familiar. The bright red hood wrapped around her head - very, very, very familiar. As the "great & powerful" heir-to-the-throne-but-decided-to-go-on-a-voyage-prince named Daring Charming watched the mystery girl from his place in the trees, she continued sweeping the front of her house with her back turned towards him.

She turned & he hid himself as much as he could with the huge oak leaves. Mystery girl didn't look the type who liked people to watch her. Her face took his breathe away, even if it was covered in... bruises & scars?? Wait WHAT?? Daring gasped & inched forward as quietly as possible, squinting to take a good, charming look at her face.

Tan, grey eyes, plump red lips. An ugly scar ran across her right cheek to her chin. There were a few bruises on her cheekbones, & a gauze was taped to her left temple with plasters. He raised an eyebrow - how could she have gotten those injuries?

Just as he pondered to himself, a gruff, big man stomped up to her & they had some kind of argument. He suddenly slapped her & she staggered, dropping her broom & holding on to her left cheek. The man stomped off & she wiped a few tears away. As she let her hand go, the gauze fell away from her face, revealing a huge cut that was still fresh... & it looked really ugly in contrast with her pretty face.

She picked up the broom & leaned it on the side of the house gently. She entered the house & he heard a bell jingle. He sighed & was about to climb down from his hiding spot when the bell jingled again. He tried to scramble up the tree, but lost his balance & fell. The tree wasn't very tall, & there were leafy, prickly bushes below - & that's where he fell into.

As he picked himself out of the bush,a shadow towered over him. He turned back & saw her.

"Hello, what are you doing in the bush? The Dark Forest is not a good place to play Hide & Seek in, boy," she smiled.

"I'm not a boy, I'm 20 already," he grumbled. She tittered a laugh that was music to his ears.

"Alright. I'm Cerise Hood, by the way. I'm going to go hunting now - wanna join?" she offered.

"Oh, um... Okay. Uh... Daring Charming," he smiled.

"Great, but after we're done, please. You need to get out of here! My Fath- Guardian, I mean, doesn't like people in Wolf Territory.

"Wolf Territory? But you're a Hooo---" he began, but Cerise grabbed his arm & rushed off at break neck speed. They reached a clearing & she shushed him.

"I'm both. My Mother... she married..." Cerise pursed her lips & handed him her locket. He clicked it open & stared at her family photo - Red Riding Hood, with her hands on Cerise's shoulder. Standing next to her was...... the Big Bad Wolf & another girl with the same dark brown hair & white hair, but with additional red streaks & wolf ears. He assumed the girl was Cerise's younger sister.

"Red married the Wolf??" Daring gasped. Cerise took her locket back & nodded.

"Please, don't tell anyone," she begged. He nodded reluctantly.

"Alright, then, let's go," she took his hand & dragged him into the Woods.

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

He watched as she explained how to catch animals.

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

She challenged him to short races, because she was part wolf, & they can be competitive.

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

She allowed him to demonstrate how to catch animals with an arrow, although he missed the target & earned much humility.

'Cause you will be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always

She brought him to a lake & they sat there. She leaned her head on his shoulder & he blushed.

Why can't they understand
The way we feel?
They just don't trust
What they can't explain
I know we're different but,
Deep inside us
We're not that different at all

The way she looked at him & the nature around her were the same, but he didn't notice it, shrouded by his own crush on her.

'Cause you will be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always[/i]

As they venture through the woods, they held hands without realizing they did.

Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know?
We need each other
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know

She taught him the differences between poisonous & edible fruits.

When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

'Cause you will be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always[/i]

Oh, you'll be in my heart (You'll be here in my heart)
No matter what they say (I'll be with you)
You'll be here in my heart,
I'll be there always

As the sun began to set, she saw him off at the cliff where Daring's ship was.

"Do you believe in destiny?" he asked.

"I do. Sometimes," she said uncertainly.

He took her hand in his. "Well, I very much do. & now, I hereby believe it's this prince's destiny to kiss a fair maiden."

"Wait, pri-??" he didn't let her finish & they kissed. When the two parted, he held out a ring.

"Will you marry me in the future?" he asked.

"But, we've only known each other for barely one day," she replied. He slipped it on her finger, nonetheless.

"Yes, but if I don't come back to get you in a couple of years, you may sell it," he smiled before turning his back to her. He boarded his ship & she watched with tears in her eyes as the large boa set sail, he turned around & waved. Her hair whipped in the wind as she waved back, the ring shining as it reflected the sun's golden orange rays.

I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there always

The further the ship sailed, more tears formed in her slate grey eyes. She turned away, casted the departing ship one last look over her shoulders & sped away. Home.


Messages : 2247
Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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Musie's Random One-Shots - Mix of AUs & Non-AUs Empty Red

Post  Musa_Eyre Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:51 am

A story I wrote for a mock exam for my English teacher to read in August. Miss Elsa (my teacher) loved it. I'm pretty proud of it. Although I'm gonna add some stuff here.  mrgreen

It's a Little Red Riding Hood rewrite. Warning: Contains very confusing & flowery words, because that's how I roll.  dance


I swallowed. "Why hadn't I listened to Mother?" The trees were dense, & the atmosphere got colder as I ventured on.

I picked up the howls of wolves ripping through the thick fog. My free hand clasped my cloak, & the other gripped the handle of my rattan basket. The woods seem to close on me, as the pounding of paws got closer.

"The woods is a dangerous place to play, Red. Don't stray too far from the path!"

Mother's words nagged me over & over again. The fog shrouding my view thinned the slightest bit, but my vision was still unclear. My grip on the handle tightened, so much that my knuckles whitened even more.

Reality was slipping. I could hear their howls, & they were close. I closed my eyes. What would Mother have said.?

"Don't run from the wolves. They sense fear."

Her words were quite useless now. If I don't run, I'll get eaten, & I'd rather show fear than be served on a silver platter.

My feet moved on it's own & I sped down the path. My gleaming red cloak whipped through the wind. The glowing yellow eyes followed me. My breath was coming out as mist, as I panted from running. I'm not an athletic person.

The opening to somewhere was in front of me. The trees were thinning out. I would've shouted for joy, if only I wasn't running. Suddenly, my foot caught on something hard, which I think is a stone, & I tumbled onto the ground. My basket was flung about 5 meters away. I groaned in pain, crouching. My left knee was bleeding.

The wolves appeared, baring their fangs at me. Their yellow eyes pierced through me as I did my best to crawl away from them. No use. Oh dear, what a place to die.

The first one pounced. I braced myself, my arm instinctively flew to cover my head. I waited for the wolves' fangs to sink into my skin, visions of how my limbs would be ripped out swarmed in my mind, but that didn't happen. Instead, I nearly had a heart attack when a gunshot ripped through the air. The sound of boots on the ground brought me to ease, & I lowered my defense.

In front of me lay the first wolf. Dead. The others were growling at me. I inched backwards, only to touch someone's foot.

The hunter had arrived. & he carried the biggest shotgun I had ever seen.

"Step aside, Missy," he said. I covered my ears & bent forward to duck, as gunshots sounded. Bullet shells were raining down & pelting me. Wolves howled.

"RED!" I heard my Mother. "I told you not to wander off!"


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Data de inscrição : 2014-05-24

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